Venue: held remotely via video-conference
Contact: Lisa Evans
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: Mr John Weston apologised for his inability to attend the
meeting. Councillor Dafydd Edwards apologised for his inability to attend the meeting relating to item 5). |
Personal Matters Minutes: None. |
Disclosure of personal / prejudicial interests Minutes: Mrs Dana Jones, Democratic and Standards Officer declared a personal and prejudicial interest in 7 (a), (b) and (c) and left the meeting during consideration of these applications. Mrs Lisa Evans, Scrutiny and Standards Officer took the minutes during consideration of those applications. Councillor Gill Hopley declared a personal and prejudicial interest in 7 (a), (b) and (c) and left the meeting during consideration of these applications. Councillor Julian Evans declared a personal and prejudicial interest in 7 (a), (b) and (c) and left the meeting during consideration of these applications. Councillor Dai Mason declared a personal and prejudicial interest in 7 (d) and (e) and left the meeting during consideration of these applications. Councillor Odwyn Davies declared a personal and prejudicial interest in 7 (d) and (e) and left the meeting during consideration of these applications. |
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record of the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17 September 2021 subject to:- (i) amending the name of the late Anne Winfield to Ann in minute 13(i) and (ii) amending Minute 20, that bilingual training would be provided between the members of the committee |
Matters Arising Minutes: Minute 14 – It was reported that the Review of Local Dispute
Resolution protocol would be amended following discussion with PSOW Officers as the PSWO was no longer receiving repetitive or
low level complaints. Once amended, One Voice Wales would be informing the Town
and Community Councils accordingly. Minute 16 –had been discussed at a
workshop on the 17 November 2021. Minute 20- feedback had not been received and was not
forthcoming Minute 20- The two new independent
members had received training on the 27 September 2021 Minute 21- A proposal had been received from the All Wales Monitoring Officers group that the North Wales Standards Forum be extended to an All Wales Forum. Members agreed to this proposal and the response would be sent to the MO group accordingly. |
Minutes: To discuss with party leaders the methods of promoting and
maintaining high standards by conduct by Members of Ceredigion County Council
to include the duties required under S 62-63 of the Local Government and
Elections (Wales) Act 2021 The Chair welcomed Councillor Ellen ap
Gwynn (Leader of the Council and Leader of the Plaid Cymru
Group), Councillor Ray Quant (Deputy Leader of the Council and Leader of the
Independent Group) and Councillor Ceredig Davies (Leader of the Liberal
Democrats and opposition party) for attending the meeting to exchange views on
promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct in Ceredigion. It was reported that the Local
Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 placed new duties on leaders of
political groups and standards committees and contains the relevant sections,
namely s62 and s63. With regard to the duties of leaders of
political groups in relation to standards of conduct, (S.52A Local Government
Act 2000) states that a leader of a political group consisting of members of a
county council in Wales must take
reasonable steps to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by the
members of the group; and must co-operate with the council’s standards
committee. In section 54 Local Government Act 2000 (functions of standards
committees), a standards committee of a county council or county borough
council in Wales also has the specific functions of— (a) monitoring compliance by leaders of political groups on the
council with their duties under section 52A(1), and (b) advising, training or arranging to train leaders of
political groups on the council about matters relating to those duties It was reported that the political
leaders of Ceredigion County Council were invited annually to the Ethics and
Standards Committee to discuss the methods of promoting and maintaining high
standards of conduct by Members of Ceredigion County Council. It was reported that it was now necessary for Group Leaders to
consider the additional duties upon them to take reasonable steps to promote
and maintain high standards of conduct by the members of the group; and how to
co-operate with the council’s standards committee, and how this can be
evidenced. The political leaders stated that they welcomed this guidance, as it
was a reference for them to confirm that the standards were
being adhered to. All the Leaders of the Council emphasised the importance of
the Committee’s work in promoting high standards of conduct and welcomed the
training that would be held in May 2022, following the
elections on the Code of Conduct. The Leaders also highlighted the need to address the issues
of conduct at meetings that were held virtually,
especially with the etiquette of Members such as answering the phone while
attending the meeting. The Chair thanked the Leaders for attending the meeting. |
To consider applications for dispensation from the following Councillors:- Minutes: Mr John Weston apologised for his inability to attend the
meeting. Councillor Dafydd Edwards apologised for his inability to attend the meeting relating to item 5). |
Councillor Dan Potter, Ceredigion County Council PDF 333 KB Minutes: Councillor Dan Potter, Ceredigion County Council An application for dispensation dated 12 November 2021 received from Councillor Dan Potter to speak only on issues discussed regarding the harbour at the Harbour Users Consultative Committee for New Quay which are held prior to the season and following (March and October). Councillor Potter owns New Quay marine a boating business which repairs boats in the harbour. He is also employed by Ceredigion County Council annually to undertake the swimming area as a Safe Swim area contractor. Councillor Potter also leases two mooring from Ceredigion County Council and owns a shed outside the lifeboat station and the old coast guard station in Paragon. He also receive £40 a week as a coxswain of New Quay Lifeboat /RNLI. Councillor Potter was present at the meeting to present his application and answered questions regarding his application. Councillor Potter was requested to leave the video conference for the Committee to consider his application. It was RESOLVED to grant Councillor Potter with dispensation to speak only on the grounds that the nature of the members’ interest is such that the member’s participation in the business to which the interest relates would not damage public confidence in the conduct of the relevant authority’s business; and the participation of the member in the business to which the interest relates is justified by the member's particular role or expertise; (regulation 2 (d) and (f) of the Standards Committees (Grant of Dispensations)(Wales) Regulations 2001). The dispensation was granted for a period of 12 months. |
Councillor Dan Potter, Ceredigion County Council PDF 330 KB Minutes: An application for dispensation dated 12 November
2021 was received from Councillor Dan Potter to speak and vote on issues
discussed regarding the harbour and beach at New Quay. Councillor Potter owns New Quay marine a
boating business which repairs boats in the harbour.
He is also employed by Ceredigion County Council
annually to undertake the swimming area as a Safe Swim area contractor.
Councillor Potter also lease two mooring from Ceredigion County Council and
owns a shed outside the lifeboat station and the old coast guard station in
Paragon. He also receive £40 a week as a coxswain of New Quay Lifeboat /RNLI. Councillor Potter was present at the meeting to present his
application and answered questions regarding his application. Councillor Potter was requested to
leave the video conference for the Committee to consider his application. It was RESOLVED to grant Councillor Potter
with dispensation to speak and vote on the grounds that the nature of the
members’ interest is such that the member’s participation in the business to
which the interest relates would not damage public confidence in the conduct of
the relevant authority’s business; and the participation of the member in the
business to which the interest relates is justified by the member's particular
role or expertise; (regulation 2 (d) and (f) of the Standards Committees (Grant
of Dispensations)(Wales) Regulations 2001). The dispensation was granted for a period of 12 months. |
Councillor Dan Potter, New Quay Town Council PDF 302 KB Minutes: An application for dispensation dated 12 November 2021 was received from Councillor Dan Potter to speak and vote on
issues discussed regarding the harbour and beach at New Quay. Councillor Potter owns New Quay marine a
boating business which repairs boats in the harbour.
He is also employed by Ceredigion County Council
annually to undertake the swimming area as a Safe Swim area contractor.
Councillor Potter also lease two mooring from Ceredigion County Council and
owns a shed outside the lifeboat station and the old coast guard station in
Paragon. He also receive £40 a week as a coxswain of New Quay Lifeboat /RNLI. Councillor Potter was present at the meeting to present his
application and to answer any questions regarding his application. Councillor Potter was requested to
leave the video conference for the Committee to consider his application. It was RESOLVED to grant Councillor Potter
with dispensation to speak only on the grounds that the nature of the members’
interest is such that the member’s participation in the business to which the
interest relates would not damage public confidence in the conduct of the
relevant authority’s business; and the participation of the member in the
business to which the interest relates is justified by the member's particular
role or expertise; (regulation 2 (d) and (f) of the Standards Committees (Grant
of Dispensations)(Wales) Regulations 2001). The dispensation was granted for a period of 12 months. |
Councillor Peter Davies MBE, Ceredigion County Council PDF 490 KB Minutes: An application for dispensation dated 10 January 2022 was received by Councillor Peter Davies MBE to speak and
vote at the Governance and Audit Committee in relation to the Audit Wales
report on Planning. Councillor Davies was a member of the Council’s Development
Control Committee. It was RESOLVED to grant Councillor Peter Davies with
dispensation to speak only on the grounds as the participation of the member in
the business to which the interest relates is justified by the member's
particular role or expertise; (regulation 2 (f) of the Standards Committees
(Grant of Dispensations)(Wales) Regulations 2001). The dispensation was granted for the meeting due to be held on 17/1/22 only. |
Councillor Rowland Rees-Evans, Ceredigion County Council PDF 410 KB Minutes: An application for dispensation dated 18 December 2021 was received by Councillor Rowland Rees-Evans to speak only at the Governance and Audit Committee in relation to the Audit Wales report on Planning. Councillor Rees-Evans sat on both the Development Control Committee and was the Vice-Chairman of the Governance and Audit Committee. There were a number of issues within the AW report directed at the Development Control Committee. Councillor Rees-Evans was present at the meeting to present his application and to answer any questions regarding his application. Councillor Rees-Evans was requested to leave the video conference for the Committee to consider his application. It was RESOLVED to grant Councillor Rees-Evans with dispensation to speak only on the grounds that the participation of the member in the business to which the interest relates is justified by the member's particular role or expertise; (regulation 2 (f) of the Standards Committees (Grant of Dispensations)(Wales) Regulations 2001). The dispensation was granted for the meeting to be held on 17/1/22 only. |
A Development Framework for Councillors in Wales 2021 PDF 825 KB Minutes: