Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

Contact: Neris Morgans 


No. Item




i.       Councillor Gareth Davies apologised that he would be leaving the meeting early. 

ii.      Councillor Elaine Evans, Chair of the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee apologised for her inability to attend the meeting.

iii.    James Starbuck, Corporate Director and Donna Pritchard, Corporate Lead Officer: Porth Gofal apologised for their inability to attend the meeting.


Personal matters


i.       Condolences were extended to the family of Councillor Paul Hinge who recently passed away. A tribute was paid to Councillor Paul Hinge for his vast contribution to politics in Ceredigion. Sincere sympathy was extended to his family.

ii.      Condolences were extended to the family of Rhian Thomas, a former Group Accountant in the Finance Service who has recently passed away.

A minute’s silence was observed in their memory.

iii.    Condolences were also extended to the family of Margaret Jones, a  notable artist who has recently passed away.

iv.    Congratulations were extended to all involved with the success of hosting Rali Ceredigion. It was noted that the recent event had contributed vastly to the local economy.

v.     Congratulations were extended to the local authority’s Education Services for an excellent report following a comprehensive inspection by Estyn, the national education inspectorate.

vi.    Congratulations were also extended to Hafan y Waun Residential Care Home and all involved for a positive report following the first inspection by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) since the change of ownership.


Disclosure of Personal/ Prejudicial Interests


i.       Councillor Keith Henson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to item 55 and withdrew from the meeting whilst the matter was being discussed.

ii.      Councillor Clive Davies declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to item 56 and withdrew from the meeting whilst the matter was being discussed.

iii.    Councillor Carl Worrall declared a personal interest in relation to item 55.

iv.    Elin Prysor, Corporate Lead Officer: Legal and Governance declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to item 56, in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees and withdrew from the meeting whilst the matter was being discussed.


To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet and any matters arising from those Minutes pdf icon PDF 119 KB


To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet held on 17 July 2024.


Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes.


Any petitions received




Reports of any decisions (if any) having been called in from Overview and Scrutiny Committee




Any feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee not otherwise on the agenda




To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools upon the Proposal Paper in relation to Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa pdf icon PDF 7 MB



To approve the proposal to commence the statutory consultation process to cease to maintain the provision at Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa with effect from 31 August 2025.


Reason for the decision:

To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation process in relation to the provision at Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools upon the Proposal Paper in relation to Ysgol Llanfihangel y Creuddyn pdf icon PDF 7 MB



To approve the proposal to commence the statutory consultation process to cease to maintain the provision at Ysgol Llanfihangel y Creuddyn with effect from 31 August 2025.


Reason for the decision:

To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation process in relation to the provision at Ysgol Llanfihangel y Creuddyn.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools upon the Proposal Paper in relation to Ysgol Llangwyryfon pdf icon PDF 7 MB



To approve the proposal to commence the statutory consultation process to cease to maintain the provision at Ysgol Llangwyryfon with effect from 31 August 2025.


Reason for the decision:

To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation process in relation to the provision at Ysgol Llangwyryfon.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools upon the Proposal Paper in relation to Ysgol Syr John Rhys pdf icon PDF 7 MB



To approve the proposal to commence the statutory consultation process to cease to maintain the provision at Ysgol Syr John Rhys with effect from 31 August 2025.


Reason for the decision:

To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation process in relation to the provision at Ysgol Syr John Rhys.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for People and Organisation upon the New HR Policies including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 1 MB



       To approve the Safe Recruitment Policy.

       To approve the Annual Leave Purchase Scheme.

       To approve the Travel, Subsistence and Accommodation Guidance.

       To note the feedback from the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

       To ensure compliance with new legislation.

       To support recruitment and retention, employee health and wellbeing, and operational effectiveness.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Gofal upon the Cartref Tregerddan Residential Care Home - Public Consultation including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 420 KB

Additional documents:



1.     To note the background and rationale for considering the transfer of residents and merger of staff teams between Cartref Tregerddan to Hafan y Waun Residential Care Home.

2.     To note the results of the consultation process conducted between 22nd April 2024 and 15th July 2024.

3.     To approve the transfer of residents and merger of staff teams between Cartref Tregerddan with Hafan y Waun Residential Care Home.

4.     To authorise the Corporate Lead Officer – Porth Gofal to:

i.       Ensure a schedule is drawn up for the resident transfers between homes, in a way that

a.      balances the need for each individual and their family to have appropriate time to make decisions against the overall need for the closure process,

b.     is to be managed within a timescale that minimises uncertainty for the residents, families and staff.

5.     To note the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To maximise the opportunities within Hafan y Waun including the environment, location and to identify future opportunities to manage budget challenges effectively.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Highways and Environmental Services upon the Off Street Pay and Display Car Park Review proposals June 2024 including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 413 KB



To agree:

 a)   that officers seek to undertake public consultation on the proposals presented by officers to the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 July 2024, but that the charging proposal for Blue Badge holders is omitted and that the charging proposal included in Appendix B is inserted in lieu of Table 2 as presented; and

 b)   that a report on the outcome of the public consultation is presented to the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to consideration and final agreement by Cabinet.

  c)   To note the feedback from the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To ensure the income expectation agreed by Council as part of the Budget Setting process for 24/25 is realised, whilst simplifying current charges and arrangements.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Highways and Environmental Services upon the On-street Charged for Parking Proposals - Aberystwyth Promenade including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 4 MB



i.       To support the undertaking of a formal consultation process under the Traffic Orders (Procedure)(England and Wales) Regulations 1996 (amended) in relation to the proposals put forward pursuant to the introduction of charged for parking along the Promenade in Aberystwyth.

ii.      That the outcome of the consultation is reported to the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet prior to any decision in relation to implementation of the proposal.

iii.    To note the feedback from the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To allow the Council to better manage the parking provision along the Promenade in Aberystwyth with a view to increasing parking availability and turnover.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Highways and Environmental Services upon the Winter Service Provision including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 907 KB



i.       To approve the new assessment matrix (Appendix B).

ii.      To note the feedback from the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To ensure that the Authority continues to meet its requirements in relation to the length of pre-treated winter maintenance routes following the inclusion of an altitude criteria.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Highways and Environmental Services upon the Ceredigion County Council (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Unloading) Order 2019 (Felinfach) (Amendment Order No. 12) 2024 pdf icon PDF 954 KB



To approve the making of the Order and the publication of a subsequent Notice of Making in the press to that effect.


Reason for the decision:

To ensure road safety by the access to the new school.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Highways and Environmental Services upon the Adoption of 'Cae'r Henwas', Caerwedros pdf icon PDF 782 KB



To agree for Cae’r Henwas’ highway works as detailed in Appendix A to be maintainable at the public expense and adopted by the Council.


Reason for the decision:

To enable the new highway to be maintained at public expense for the benefit of the general public/community.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Highways and Environmental Services upon the Oversail Licences under s.177 Highways Act 1980 pdf icon PDF 219 KB



To approve that:

a)    Highways & Environmental Services charge a fee of £500; and

b)    Legal Services charge a fee of £471;


for officer time spent in connection with grant of Oversail licences under s.177 HA 1980, effective from 1/9/24.


Reason for the decision:

Cost recovery.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cynnal upon the Supported Lodgings (SL) Scheme including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 1 MB



1.     To approve the Supported Lodgings Policy and scheme.

2.     To give delegated authority to the Statutory Director of Social Care to implement policy and review annually.

3.     To note the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To align with the “The Care and Support (Choice of Accommodation) (Wales) Regulations 2015”.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cynnal upon the Independent Reviewing Service Performance Management Report Quarter 3 2023 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 594 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cynnal upon the CYSUR/CWMPAS Combined Local Operational Group Safeguarding Report- Quarter 3 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Quarter 1 Capital Programme Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 211 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the 24/25 Controllable Revenue Budget - Financial Performance - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 510 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Quarterly Treasury Management Performance Report 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 330 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


Any other matter the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Cabinet

