Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 19th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

Contact: Neris Morgans 

No. Item




i.       Councillor Gareth Davies apologised that he would be late in joining the meeting.

ii.      Councillor Caryl Roberts, Chair of the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee apologised that she would be late in joining the meeting.


Personal matters




Disclosure of Personal/ Prejudicial Interests


i.       Councillor Matthew Vaux declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to items 182 and 191 and withdrew from the meeting whilst the matters were being discussed.

ii.      Councillor Keith Henson declared a personal interest in relation to item 184.


To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet and any matters arising from those Minutes pdf icon PDF 135 KB


To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet held on 20 February 2024.


Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes.


Any petitions received




Reports of any decisions (if any) having been called in from Overview and Scrutiny Committee




Any feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee not otherwise on the agenda




To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools upon the Consultation Report Document in relation to the proposal to amend the Language medium of the Foundation learning and admit 3 year old pupils on a part time basis at New Quay Primary School pdf icon PDF 8 MB



1.     To note the contents of the consultation report.

2.     To approve the publication of the Statutory Notice, subject to the exclusion of the reference to ‘admit 3 year old pupils on a part time basis’ from the Statutory Notice (Appendix C).


Reason for the decision:

To approve the consultation response document and the publication of the statutory notice in line with the requirements of the School Organisation Code .– 011/2018.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Economy and Regeneration upon the Proposed sale of assets pdf icon PDF 1 MB



To approve in principle the decision to sell the following assets:

1)    Land and Buildings Derwen Gardens, Adpar

2)    Garage Glyndwr Road, Aberystwyth.


Reason for the decision:

To generate capital receipts from surplus assets.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Gofal upon the Future options for Cartref Tregerddan Residential Care Home, Bow Street pdf icon PDF 369 KB



To approve to progress with the statutory requirement to consult on the transfer of the residential care service from Cartref Tregerddan to Hafan y Waun Residential Care Home.


Reason for the decision:

In order to progress with the proposals and the potential budget efficiencies attached to the proposal.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cymorth Cynnar upon Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall pdf icon PDF 175 KB



To agree:

1.     In principle for the asset known as Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall to be transferred into the ownership of the Council under Sections 24 (1) and (2)(c) of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.

2.     That the asset transfer is undertaken to enable the Council to deliver quality services that contribute to the improved wellbeing of residents in the South of the county.

3.     To acknowledge and note the Financial Matters contained within the Exempt report.

4.     To authorise Officers to work with the Trustees of Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall to proceed with the asset transfer of Cardigan Memorial Pool and Hall into Council ownership at the earliest practical opportunity, ensuring the completion of all necessary legal agreements to achieve this.


Reason for the decision:

To protect a location and facility that is strategically important to the provision of health & wellbeing services within the South of the county.



The report (Appendix 1) relating to the item above is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007. If, following the application of the Public Interest Test, the Council resolves to consider this item in private, the public and press will be excluded from the meeting during such consideration, in accordance with Section 100B(2) of the Act.


Members will be requested, when dealing with the items, to consider whether to exclude the public and press from the Meeting.


The report relating to item 185 on the agenda, Appendix 1, is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007. If, following the application of the Public Interest Test, the Council resolves to consider this item in private, the public and press will be excluded

from the meeting during such consideration, in accordance with Section 100B(2) of the Act.


Members were requested when dealing with the item, to consider whether the item should remain exempt and whether to exclude the public and press from the Meeting.



Having considered the public interest test, that the item should remain exempt.

Not to exclude the public and press from the meeting.


Reason for the decision:

The document was not discussed in public.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cymorth Cynnar upon the Re-Designation of the Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation for Ceredigion including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 2 MB



1.     To approve:

OPTION 1: To redesignate the Additional Licensing Scheme to include:

a.     Those properties occupied by 3 or more persons, forming three or more separate households in the following specified wards only: Aberystwyth - North, Central, Penparcau, Rheidol and Bronglais; Llanbadarn Fawr – Padarn and Sulien, Faenor




b.     Licensing all properties which meet the following criteria on a county wide basis:

       Those properties occupied by 5 or more persons, forming two or more separate households, regardless of the number of stories, AND

       Section 257 HMOs (Housing Act 2004) created by converting buildings into flats where the conversions did not meet the Building Regulations 1991 Standards and they have not been subsequently brought up to the relevant standards.

2.     To note the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To comply with legislative requirements.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cymorth Cynnar upon the Local Housing Market Assessment including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 4 MB



i.       To approve the Local Housing Market Assessment (Appendix 1) following the end of the consultation period and adopt.

ii.      To note the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Reason for the decision:

To meet statutory requirement and meet deadline imposed.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Policy, Performance and Public Protection upon the Ceredigion Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28 pdf icon PDF 2 MB



To approve Ceredigion Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28 (Appendix 1).


Reason for the decision:

This will progress the aim of the Council to address inequality, eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not in Ceredigion.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Legal and Governance upon the Revised Coroner Pay Arrangements for 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 124 KB



1)    To approve the pay rate for 2024-2025 (1/4/24-31/3/25) as follows:


Senior part-time Coroner:

i)      Retention Salary of £22,200 p/a to cover retention/out of hours service availability from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025.

ii)     Using the daily rate of £489 to pay the Coroner an annual salary of £12,225 (@25 days pa including training days).


Total annual sum £34,425 per annum (plus on-costs).


iii)   Office expenses/business support allowance – £5,000 p/a.


2)    To approve the pay rate for 2024-2025 for the Assistant Coroner:

       full day: £417

       half day: £209


Reason for the decision:

Compliance with relevant legislation and JNC Circulars, mitigation of challenge and safeguarding public funds.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon Welsh Government's Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 309 KB



To adopt the Welsh Government’s Non-Domestic Rates - Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme 2024-25 as a Discretionary Non-Domestic Rates Relief under Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1988.


Reason for the decision:

To support local businesses using available grant funding.


To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Corporate Bonds and Sureties Policy pdf icon PDF 418 KB



To approve:

a)    the addition of AM Best as credit rating agency to the policy.

b)    delegate powers to the Section 151 Officer to;

i.     make minor amendments to the Corporate Bonds and Sureties Policy

ii.   accept a proposed ‘bondsman’ where one is unable to be procured with a suitable credit rating with one of the four credit rating agencies.


Reason for the decision:

To provide additional flexibility to contractors/developers seeking a ‘bondsman’ provider whilst not exposing the Council to any additional risk.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the 23/24 Controllable Revenue Budget - Financial Performance - Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 413 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Quarter 3 Capital Programme Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 191 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Quarterly Treasury Management Performance Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 330 KB


Cabinet noted the report.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cymorth Cynnar upon the Ceredigion Carers Unit Annual Report 2022-2023 including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 5 MB


Cabinet noted the report and the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cynnal upon the Independent Reviewing Service Performance Management Report Quarter 2 2023-2024 including feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 625 KB


Cabinet noted the report and the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cynnal upon the CYSUR/CWMPAS Combined Local Operational Group Safeguarding Report- Quarter 2 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Cabinet noted the report.


Any other matter the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Cabinet

