Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference
Contact: Neris Morgans
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: i. Councillor Matthew Vaux, Cabinet Member
apologised for his inability to attend the meeting. ii. Councillor Rhodri Evans, Chair of the
Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee apologised for his
inability to attend the meeting due to other Council commitments. iii. James Starbuck, Corporate Director
apologised for his inability to attend the meeting. |
Personal matters Minutes: Condolences were
extended to the family of Gwilym Tudur, founder of Siop
y Pethe, Aberystwyth who recently passed away. |
Disclosure of Personal/ Prejudicial Interests Minutes: i. Councillor Gareth Davies declared a personal
and prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 163 (appendix 5, item 63) and a personal
interest in relation to agenda item 170. ii. Councillor Alun Williams declared a personal
interest in relation to agenda item 167. iii. Councillor Endaf Edwards declared a personal interest in
relation to agenda item 170 and in matters related to Council employees. |
Minutes: To confirm as a true
record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet held on 23 January
2024. Matters arising:
There were no matters arising from the minutes. |
Any petitions received Minutes: None. |
Reports of any decisions (if any) having been called in from Overview and Scrutiny Committee Minutes: None. |
Any feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee not otherwise on the agenda Minutes: None. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note
the content of the report and feedback from the Thriving Communities Overview
and Scrutiny Committee. 2.
approve the Ceredigion Harbour Management Policy (Appendix A), subject to the
following changes, as set out in the report: Page 8: “6.2 Both types of Commercial moorings, once
allocated are not transferable to a third party without the Council’s prior
written consent. Any transfers will be in accordance with 18.2 of this policy.” Page 14: “Mooring and Facility Transfers 18.1 There are no transfer rights in
relation to Leisure Moorings or facilities within Ceredigion managed Harbours. 18.2 Transfers related to Commercial
moorings are subject to the Council’s prior written consent, such consent not
to be unreasonably withheld. Any consent given will be subject to the vessel
currently allocated to the mooring remaining on the mooring following
completion of the transfer. Where consent is granted, a mooring transfer
fee will be charged by the Council to the applicant taking on the mooring
(please see current ‘Fees and Charges’). In addition to the transfer fee, the
full mooring fees applicable to the vessel for the season will also apply
(please see current ‘Fees and Charges’). Completion of the transfer will only
take place on receipt of payment of these fees in full.” Reason for the
decision: To adopt and implement a Harbour Management
Policy which supports and facilitates the fair, consistent and transparent
management of the harbours for the benefit of all harbour users. |
Minutes: DECISION: To agree to award the contract to the Most
Economically Advantageous Tender, subject to a 10-day statutory standstill
period. Reason for the
decision: To ensure the continued disposal of the county’s
residual waste in accordance with the Council’s statutory obligations. |
EXEMPT ITEM The report (Appendix A and B) relating to the item above is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007. If, following the application of the Public Interest Test, the Council resolves to consider this item in private, the public and press will be excluded from the meeting during such consideration, in accordance with Section 100B(2) of the Act. Members will be requested, when dealing with the items, to consider whether to exclude the public and press from the Meeting. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report relating
to item 160 on the agenda, Appendix A and B, is not for publication as it
contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A
to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to
information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007. If, following the application of
the Public Interest Test, the Council resolves to consider this item in
private, the public and press will be excluded from the meeting during such
consideration, in accordance with Section 100B(2) of the Act. Members were
requested, when dealing with the item, to consider whether to exclude the
public and press from the Meeting. DECISION: That the item
should remain exempt. Not to exclude the
public and press from the meeting. Reason for the
decision: The document was
not discussed in public. |
To note the feedback from each Budget Overview and Scrutiny Committee PDF 153 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: To note the
feedback from each Budget Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note that Mid & West Wales Fire Authority’s
approved 24/25 Fire levy for Ceredigion County Council is £5.440m, being an increase
of £584k (12%). After allowing for assumed Pension costs funding from WG, this
equates to a 1.1% Council Tax increase for Ceredigion residents. 2.
To approve the schedule of Fees & Charges to be
effective from 01/04/24 as outlined in:
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4 3.
To recommend to Full Council, in relation to Council
Tax Premiums from 01/04/24, that:
From 01/04/24, 25% of all monies raised from the
Council Tax premiums on Second Homes and Long-Term Empty Properties (net of
Council Tax refunds / costs) should be ringfenced and used to support the
Community Housing Scheme, subject at all times that the total level of funding
held in the Community Housing Scheme shall not exceed £2.0m and that any
funding beyond this level in any given year shall be used to support the
general budget position.
From 01/04/24, 75% of all monies raised from the
Council Tax premiums on Second Homes and Long-Term Empty Properties (net of
Council Tax refunds / costs) shall be retained and used to support the general
budget position, in order to reduce the Council Tax burden on Ceredigion
residents. 4.
To recommend to Full Council, for the 24/25 Budget,
The 24/25 Budget Requirement is £193.572m, which
includes all the Budget Reduction proposals outlined in Appendix 5, but with
the exclusion of Item 63 regarding the AHP Collection Service.
The level of 24/25 proposed Council Tax for County
Council purposes is a 11.10% increase (being 1.1% in relation to the Fire
Authority Levy increase and 10.0% for all Council Services).
This would equate to a Band D increase of £172.45
(being £14.37 per month / £3.32 per week). 5.
To approve that the limit to be introduced for
residual waste from 01/04/24 onwards would be 3 black bags (no larger than 60
litres each) per residential household per 3 weekly collection. Reason for the decision: To enable the
2024/25 Budget preparation to continue, so that Budget papers and Council Tax
calculations can be prepared for the Full Council meeting on 29/02/24. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note
the contents of the report. 2.
recommend to Full Council:
approval of the Treasury Management Strategy for Borrowing and Investments for 2024/25;
approval of the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy for 2024/25; and
Council delegates authority to the Section 151 officer, in consultation with
the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement, to amend the Treasury
Management Strategy, and Investment Schedule, during the
course of the year. Reason for the
decision: To set a Treasury
Management Strategy and Minimum Revenue Policy for 2024/25. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note
the contents of the consultation report. 2.
approve the publication of the statutory notice. Reason for the
decision: To approve the consultation response
document and the publication of the statutory notice in line with the
requirements of the School Organisation Code – 011/2018. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note
the contents of the consultation report. 2.
approve the publication of the statutory notice. Reason for the
decision: To approve the consultation response
document and the publication of the statutory notice in line with the
requirements of the School Organisation Code – 011/2018. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note
the contents of the consultation report. 2.
approve the publication of the statutory notice. Reason for the
decision: To approve the consultation response
document and the publication of the statutory notice in line with the
requirements of the School Organisation Code – 011/2018. |
Minutes: DECISION: 1.
To note
the contents of the consultation report. 2.
approve the publication of the statutory notice. Reason for the
decision: To approve the consultation response
document and the publication of the statutory notice in line with the
requirements of the School Organisation Code – 011/2018. |
Minutes: DECISION: To approve the name Ysgol Dyffryn Aeron as
the name for the new area school. Reason for the
decision: To approve the
official name. |
Minutes: DECISION: To confirm the
nominations outlined in the report as LA representatives on the Governing
Bodies of the relevant School. Reason for the
decision: To nominate
representatives of the LA on Governing Bodies. |
Minutes: DECISION: To approve the
draft Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Framework. Reason for the
decision: To ensure the Risk
Management Policy, Strategy and Framework are up to date and fit for purpose. |
Minutes: Cabinet noted the report and the feedback from the Thriving Communities Overview and
Scrutiny Committee. |
Any other matter the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Cabinet Minutes: None. |
Supplementary Agenda - Finance and Procurement - Integrated Impact Assessment for Item 12 PDF 290 KB Minutes: Item considered under item 163. |