The Leader, Councillor Bryan Davies presented the report and
outlined the following in relation to the Hybrid Working arrangements :-
• Background
• Way We Work
• Hybird Working Strategy
• Interim
Hybrid Working Policy
• Policy
• Review
• Line Managers
It was reported that the result for employees was similar to
that of line managers with over 95% of employees agreeing that their hybrid
working experience had been positive. Employees had made their preference
clear. The financial benefit of hybrid working did not have as many employees
choosing strongly agree but almost 80% of employees believe that it had
benefitted them. When asked if they would consider alternative employment if
their ability to work in a hybrid way was removed,39% selected Yes; 24%
selected No and the remaining 37% were Unsure.
The survey results were clear that from a line manager and
employee perspective hybrid working was seen as a key benefit and retention
tool. It was therefore recommended that hybrid working was accepted as a long
term flexible working option and that the Interim Hybrid Working Policy should
be revised to reflect this.
It was reported if the proposal to permanently adopt hybrid
working option for employees was approved this would allow the release of
office space which had not been fully utilised during the period of the interim
hybrid working trial. The previous 12 months had shown that the current hybrid
working desk capacity in Canolfan Rheidol and Penmorfa was capable of accommodating demand in its current
form, accepting however that more permanent
arrangements would be put in place in both locations. Over
the twelve month period of the trial desk usage peaked in early December and it
March 2023 for rooms booked. It was observed that the average usage over the
winter months was higher than during the warmer summer months but remained
within maximum capacity limits.
It was proposed that officers undertake a review of all
Council office accommodation across its estate to identify potential for
repurposing. The public engagement on future uses in Council offices resulted
in several suggestions of possible usage including using building as facilities
for the community, hospital or health care setting, spaces for businesses and
residential accommodation.
Members raised concern regarding the perception of the
public in relation to working for home and that work was not being carried out,
however, this was not the case with Officers being far more productive, for
example working during the time that they would usually be working to and from
work and between meetings in various locations from their main office. It was
agreed that this could be addressed by the Communication Service.
It was AGREED:-
(i) to recommend to Cabinet to adopt hybrid working as a
permanent option for employees able to work as efficiently remotely as in the
(ii) to develop a Hybrid Working Policy to replace the
current Interim Hybrid Working Policy and bring back to Scrutiny following
consultation; and
(iii) that the Hybrid work policy should include the requirement of mangers to ensure that there was a weekly/bi-weekly or monthly physical team meeting
Supporting documents: