Agenda item

Report on Members' Schedule of Remuneration 2022/23 - matters referred for consideration by the Council


The Corporate Lead Officer for Democratic Services presented a report to the Committee, noting that the Members’ Schedule of Remuneration for 2022/23 was approved by Council on 20th May 2022 with the exception of paragraph 8, bullet point 6 and 7 of the covering report which relate to remote attendance by Councillors that are not Members of a Committee and prior authorisation for in person attendance at conferences, seminars, external meetings and training events; and paragraph 15.1 of the Schedule which relates to prior authorisation for overnight stays.  The above matters were deferred to the Democratic Services Committee for consideration.


It was noted that the Council has invested in equipment to facilitate remote attendance, implementing phase 1 in accordance with the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, and that phase 2 would incorporate an app which would make the system more effective, overcoming early technical issues.


During the Council meetings held on 23rd September 2021, the Council committed to being a Diverse Council, facilitated by the flexibility remote attendance offers to a wider range of Members. This was promoted within an Information Booklet for Candidates which several Councillors have benefitted from. 


The Council has also committed to reducing its carbon footprint, which will also benefit from reduced travelling, as well as financial savings as a result of reduced travelling.


It was noted that paragraph 15.1 of the Schedule has been in place since 2017, in order to ensure that where there is justification from travelling that value for money is ensured via procurement services.


Members emphasised the importance of leading by example, noting that hybrid meetings are the way forward and that reduced travel should be encouraged; however there were concerns that it would be difficult for new Members to get to know each and build relationships without being sat around a table.  It was also noted that there is room for improvement in ensuring that Members do not lose connections to meetings due to insufficient bandwidth and other technical issues. Members also noted that they may wish to attend meetings which they are not Members of in order to get a wider perspective of matters that affected their constituents.


Eifion Evans, Chief Executive confirmed that Members would be able to attend such meetings remotely, however they would not be eligible to claim travel expenses to attend meetings that they are not Members of, due to the alternative solutions now being available to them.  Council employees have already been challenged to identify savings in this area in order to be able to protect front-line services.


Several Members noted that they do not claim travelling expenses for personal and ethical reasons as it is a privilege to represent their wards; however it was also acknowledged that that in order to promote a diverse Council some Members may need to claim payment, and that encouraging Members to engage with the hybrid system was important in order to ensure that people are not put-off becoming Councillors.


Members also asked about accessing Office 365 via alternative technical devices such as an i-phone and android, and also asked about protocols when attending meetings remotely.  It was noted that revised guidance would be issued to all Members.


Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council the following amendments, noted in bold below:


·       Paragraph 8; bullet point 6 and 7 of the covering report:


In line with the Local Government and Elections Act 2021, the Council will be holding hybrid meetings which means that not all Councillors will need to be present in the Council Chamber in order to attend meetings. Those that are not members of the respective Committee or are specifically invited to attend, are encouraged to attend meetings remotely.


In person attendance at conferences, seminars, external meetings and training events should liaise with the Corporate Lead Officer, Democratic Services in order to ensure that there is provision in the budget and that there is a need to attend in person.”


·       Paragraph 15.1 of the Schedule – No changes were recommended to this paragraph as it has been included in the Members’ Schedule of Remuneration since 2017.


·       Schedule 2, Approved duties, first paragraph to be amended as follows, in line with paragraph 8, bullet point 7 of the covering report:


Councillors should liaise with the Corporate Lead Officer: Democratic Services if they intend to claim travelling and expenses costs for in person attendance at conferences, seminars, out of county meetings and training events, to ensure that there is provision in the budget and that there is a need to attend in person.

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