Agenda item

Ash Dieback - Update for Information


           4. Ash-die Back – update for information

           Phil Jones introduced the report providing background information regarding the

           situation relating to Ash-die back. Ash Die-back (ADB) will lead to the decline and

           death of up to 95% of Ash trees in the UK, with the Ash being widespread across

           Ceredigion and across Wales. This includes outside of woodlands in the form of

           hedgerow and specimen trees along roads, other public rights of way (PROWs) and

           in public spaces. Ash is one of our three main hedgerow trees, alongside oak and



           The risk is that dead and diseased trees are likely to pose a health and safety

           danger to the public, together with the significant economic, environmental and

           landscape impact.  The situation is of such a concern that Ash-die back is on the

           Authority’s Risk Register.


           Phil Jones advised the Committee of the work completed to date as outlined in the

           report.  He then advised Members of the planned work for the coming months, as

           listed below:

1.    Develop and maintain a continuity of response across all services likely to be in

Contact with the public in relation to Ash Dieback to include:

·       Coast and Countryside Tree Officer

·       Public Rights of Way

·       Public Protection

·       Planning/Building control

·       Parks & Gardens

           2. Deliver the communications plan, to provide information and guidance to:

·       Farmers

·       Foresters

·       Woodland owners

·       Other landowners

·       Tree professionals (especially those not in professional associations)

·       Government and agency staff

·       Colleges

·       General public

·       Media

           3. Analysis of survey data:

·       April 2022 March 2023, Prioritise works program of trees owned by

          Ceredigion, as per agreed tree risk matrix

·       Prioritise issuing of section 154 notices (Highway & PROW) and section 23 of

           the Miscellaneous provisions act notices (Council owned & public access land)

           to private landowners as, per agreed tree risk matrix

·       Send guidance/advice letters to private owners of lower risk trees, as per

           agreed tree risk matrix.

           4. Manage reactive actions to ADB - Initial advice letter & section 154 notices to 

           Landowners (issues raised other than from surveys)

·       Issues raised by members of the public

·       Ceredigion staff

·       Other stakeholders

           5. Produce and tender surveying works for 2022 - 2023

·       Produce and tender surveying works as per Ash Dieback Action Plan for 22/23

·       Further investigation required to determine and review use of innovative

           solutions for surveying (Satellite imagery, drone surveying etc)


      Norman Birch and Owen Stephens were also present to answer any questions. 


      A Committee Member asked if the possibility of purchasing machinery and using

      in-house Staff to undertake this work had been explored as requested during a previous

      meeting on the 15 January 2020, recommended to Cabinet on the 28 January 2020 as


·       Explore the opportunity of establishing a team within the authority with the appropriate machinery to undertake the felling work due to potentially being more cost-effective instead of contracting out the work.  The bi-product could be used for biomass therefore providing an additional saving to the authority. 


      Officers confirmed that this option had not been considered to date.  A Committee

      Member enquired whether the chip from the trees could be stored and used for the 

      biomass.  Norman Birch stated that using the ash bi-product as a fuel for the Authority’s

      bio-mass would likely be unsuitable, however, it should be investigated and considered

      further as an option.


      It was agreed that a recommendation be presented again to Cabinet as follows:


·       that a feasibility study is undertaken to explore options for this work to be undertaken internally, and the bi-products use for fuelling the Authority’s biomass, and that this is then reported back to the Committee.  


      Members were asked to note the update as information only.  The Chairman thanked

      the Officers for the information.




Supporting documents: