Agenda item

Update on the progress in implementing the Socio-Economic Duty, (SED), of the Equality Act 2010 in the strategic decision making process.


           Michael Smith, Engagement and Equalities Officer, gave an update on the

           progress in implementing the Socio-Economic Duty (SED) of the Equality Act



           He advised Committee Members that the below mentioned had been completed

           to raise awareness and to implement the SED through the strategic decision

           making process.            

·       The Authority’s Integrated Impact Assessment, (IAA), template and guidance has been revised to include the Socio-Economic Duty;

·       The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) template has been amended to include three questions on the Socio-Economic Duty, which are:

1.    What evidence do you have about socio-economic disadvantage and inequalities of outcome in relation to the proposal? Describe why it will have a positive/negative or negligible impact.

2.    What evidence do you have to support this view?

3.    What action(s) can you take to mitigate any negative impacts or better contribute to positive impacts?

·       The IIA Template and Guidance have been updated on Cerinet;

·       All Cabinet reports are checked by the Engagement and Equalities Officer on

whether IIA completion is required and if so, whether the IIA is of an acceptable standard. Feedback is given to Corporate Lead Officers, (CLOs), via the CLO for Policy, Performance and Public Protection. This includes assessing the SED content of any IIA. Ultimately, the final decision and responsibility for an IIA sits with the relevant CLO;

·       All Cabinet reports are checked by the Engagement and Equality Officer on whether an IIA is required, and if so, whether the IIA is of an acceptable standard. Feedback is provided to Corporate Lead Officers, (CLOs), via the CLO for Policy, Performance and Public Protection. This includes assessing the SED content of any IIA. Ultimately, the final decision and responsibility for an IIA sits with the relevant CLO;

·       The Corporate Equality Working Group has been briefed and involved in the commencement of the SED and the revision of the IIA process;

·       A presentation on the SED was delivered to a Corporate Managers’ Workshop on the 28/5/21;

·       A Members’ Workshop on the SED was delivered on the 13/10/21;

·       The Equality E-Learning and Equality Training for Managers Course have been revised to include the SED;

·       There is work planned to provide data on socio-economic disadvantage in order

to inform the completion of IIAs; and;

·       Progress on the SED will be included in the Strategic Equality Plan Annual

Monitoring Report 2021-22 and published on the Council Website.


      Members were given the opportunity to ask questions which were answered in turn

      by Officers.  A Member raised concern with regards to Poverty throughout the County

      amongst the elderly and those suffering physically and mentally.  The Officer

      confirmed that Poverty is not classed as a protected characteristic, however, the

      impact on disability, the elderly etc is considered. The Leader also confirmed that the

      PSB Poverty Group have recently developed a Hardship Strategy which was

      presented to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the   

      14th October 2021 and Cabinet on the 2nd November 2021.


      Following discussion, Members agreed to receive the update on the progress of

      implementing the SED.


      The Chairman thanked Michael Smith for the information and wished him well in his

      new role.



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