Agenda item

To consider a report on Member ICT Provision post elections 2022


The Corporate Manager for Customer Contact presented a report to the committee, outlining the proposed ICT equipment and support provided by the ICT service. 


It was proposed that Members are offered the same provisions as council staff, namely a Windows laptop, a 24" screen with internal docking capability or separate docking station allowing the laptop to be connected with a single cable, a keyboard, mouse, headset and a basic carry case.  Ceredigion email address and Office 365 account would be installed, and an ability to install Office applications on up to 5 personal devices. Printing and scanning facilities would be provided in the Members’ Room, with access to Wi-Fi in all council offices.  Members would be able to access email and Office files from personal devices and mobile phones and appropriate training would be provided on issued devices and data protection, whilst ICT support from corporate ICT service desks would continue to be provided. 


Members asked if they could purchase the equipment that they currently use as they have been using it for other purposes.  It was noted that all Members would need to return existing equipment which would be wiped and re-issued or disposed of in line with the usual corporate refresh arrangements. It was explained that this is because equipment and licenses are owned by the Council, however ICT would be able to support Members in transferring personal information to other devices if required.


Members noted that i-pads are useful for working in the community to take pictures of issues or to show documents to residents. Members also asked if 3G and 4G could be provided on the laptop. Officers noted that it would be possible to take pictures on a mobile phone linked via Office 365, and that laptops issued to staff do not have a sim card slot. However this could be looked into if that is what the Members want.  Members noted that they sometimes attend meetings from alternative locations such as the car, and that they may occasionally lose electricity or internet connection.  They also noted that if information is provided late, there may not be an opportunity to go to the office to print it.


It was noted that Chairs of Committees were issued with an additional piece of equipment during lockdown in order to be enable them to view meetings via zoom, whilst reading documents on a separate monitor.  This would not be possible with an i-pad. It was also noted that Members are not able to see track-changes or highlighted section in documents viewed on i-pad.  Officers noted that there needs to be a rationalisation as it is not financially viable to provide everything, and that we also need to consider our carbon footprint. Members noted concern regarding their eyesight, in reading documents on screen.


Members also asked about additional data protection when using personal ICT equipment for Council business.  Officers noted that training would be provided in relation to this.  It was also noted that due to ongoing supply issues, an order would need to be place by January in order to ensure that the equipment is available to Members by May 2022.


The Committee RESOLVED to recommend that a survey of all Members be undertaken to seek their views regarding future ICT equipment.

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