Agenda item

Independent Reviewing Service Performance Management report, quarter 4, 2020-2021


Consideration was given to the Independent Reviewing Service Report Quarter 4 2020/2021. The report had been presented in order to monitor the progress of Looked After Children through Independent Reviewing Officers scrutiny of their plans and placements during the fourth quarter of 2020/2021.  This information contributes to Members fulfilling their roles as Corporate Parents.


This report includes national and local standards and targets used to measure outcomes for looked after children and care leavers at the time of their review meeting and includes Welsh Government Performance Indicators.


On the basis of the information available and the views expressed during the review meeting, the IRO makes a professional judgement about the effectiveness of a child/young person’s care plan in meeting their needs and may recommend changes to the care plan.


During the review meeting the IRO considers whether the child/young person requires assistance to identify relevant other people to obtain legal advice/take proceedings on their behalf.  This action was not deemed necessary by the IRO for any child in the period.


In addition, the IRO has regard as to whether the child/young person’s human rights are being breached in any way and, if so, might make a referral to CAFCASS Cymru. This action was not required at any of the review meetings in the period.


These reports are considered within Multi Agency LAC Quality Assurance Meetings which meet on a quarterly basis; these meetings provide an opportunity to identify and act upon performance and other issues in relation to this area of work.


These reports are also circulated and reviewed by Local Authority’s Corporate Parenting Group which is Chaired by Cllr Alun Williams, Cabinet Member for Children Services and Culture these meetings take place on a quarterly basis.




Ø  At the end of this Quarter, Quarter 4, as of March 31st 2021, there were 85 children being looked after by the Local Authority. This is an increase in the number of children being looked after. At the end of Q3 there were 79 children being looked after.

Ø  58 children were reviewed in this quarter.  89.7 % were reviewed within the statutory timeframe.

Ø  1 child was returned home to family during this quarter, compared to 4 children in Q3.

Ø  The placement provision for the children reviewed in this quarter ranged from 20 placed in Local Authority Foster Care Provision, 12 placed with family, 9 placed with parents, 8 in Independent Foster Care Provision, 3 in residential care and 3 with kinship carers.

Ø  Of the children reviewed in this quarter, 87.9% of children received a statutory visit.

Ø  32 of children reviewed were the subjects of a Full Care Order, 16 were of an Interim Care Order, 1 of a Placement Order and 9 were under the legal status of a Section 76.

Ø  100% of the care and support planes were recorded as meeting the needs of the children/young people reviewed in this quarter.

Ø  The number and percentage of children (of sufficient understanding) who were involved in or consulted about their review, was 100%.

Ø  The number and percentage of children who were made aware of their right for an advocacy service, was 100%

Ø  The percentage of young people who are eligible and have a Pathway Plan in place and a PA to support them is 100%.

Ø  25 Pathway Plan Reviews were completed in this quarter. 80% were completed within timescale.

Ø  96% of the Reviews undertaken evidenced that the Pathway Plans that were in place were meeting the needs of the young people.

Ø  80% of the Pathway Plan Reviews that had taken place had either the views of the person represented in the review or the young person attended their review.


Following questions from the floor, it was AGREED to note the current position.


Supporting documents: