Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register


It was reported that regular reports were provided to the Governance and Audit Committee regarding the Council’s Corporate Risk Register to provide on-going information and assurance that risks continue to be managed. This assists the Governance and Audit Committee in their role of providing independent assurance to Council and management of the adequacy of the risk management framework. App


Since March 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic reached Wales, the Council’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak has taken priority. Risk R018 sets out the details of the risk and the mitigating actions that are required to reduce the spread of the disease in Ceredigion.


All risks have been reviewed and include updated commentary. Governance and Audit Committee are asked to note the following changes to the Register since the last update:


·         R003 Corporate Improvement and Performance – the overall risk score has increased mainly due to the introduction of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act in April 2021. The Act introduces a new performance regime for principal councils based on self-assessment and requires a new process to be developed during 2021/22 to support its introduction. The score has therefore increased from 9 to 12 on the register.


·         R016 Brexit – the risk score has decreased to reflect the latest situation regarding the risks associated with leaving the EU, and in particular that leaving with a deal has mitigated the risks significantly. The Council continues to monitor the impact of Brexit via a sub group of officers, which reports to Leadership Group.


·         R019 Climate Change and Coastal Erosion / Flooding - this is a new risk combining the previous risks of Carbon Management (R012) and Coastal Erosion (R013) into an overarching risk on climate change. The new risk includes the wider implications of climate change such as increased instances of flooding, drought and storms. The Council recognises it needs to lead by example and address these risks. Mitigating actions are in place including the development of a Corporate Climate Change Strategy and action plan detailing how the Council will achieve net carbon zero by 2030. Given the potential impacts and likelihood, this risk has been scored as 25 on the register.


·         Risk 20 – Ash Dieback is a new risk this quarter reflecting the significant impact that the Ash Dieback Disease could have across Ceredigion and Wales. It is estimated that there are 42,000 mature Ash trees along the county roads alone and a further 10,000 on the Council’s Corporate Estate. Ash Dieback is already widespread and visible across the County. Mitigating actions have been put in place including the production of an action plan, a steering group set up along with a survey of high priority areas to identify locations of Ash trees and their condition.


·         Risks R004 Business Continuity, R005 Medium Term Financial Plan, R006 Through Age & Well-being Programme, R009 Information Management - Security, R015 Support Local Food Businesses, R017 Safeguarding and R018 Covid-19 have no changes to risk scores since last reported, but mitigating actions have been reviewed and the commentary updated.



            It was AGREED:-

            (i) to note the update; and

            (ii) that Members welcomed the combined risk R019 Climate Change         and Coastal Erosion / Flooding; which had replaced the previous risks       of Carbon Management (R012) and Coastal Erosion (R013) into an     overarching risk on climate change



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