Agenda item

Audit Wales Work Programme Update


Consideration was given to the report on the Audit Wales (AW) Work Programme Update. The report had been presented to provide Members with updates on the            progress with studies the AW had undertaken or were undertaking. This ensured that the Council responded to the AW findings appropriately and agreed that the actions had been completed to the Committee’s satisfaction.


There are two elements to the report:

1) to provide details of progress to date on previous reports from Audit Wales, and

2) to report on current work with Audit Wales.

·         Ceredigion County Council 2021-2022 Audit Plan

·         Local reports received:

o    Audit Wales Certification of Grants and Returns 2019-20 – Ceredigion County Council

National reports received: none


·         Certificates Received: none

·         Management Response Forms in progress/completed:

o   Excel Spreadsheet of MRF Responses 

o   ‘Raising our Game’ Tackling Fraud in Wales (30/7/2020)

o   Review of Public Service Boards (7/10/19)

o   Rough Sleeping in Wales – Everyone’s Problem; No-one’s

Responsibility (23/7/2020)

o   The ‘Front Door’ to Adult Social Care (11/9/19) (Progress in

implementing the Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Act (21/11/19)

o   Well-being of Future Generations: An examination of the design and implementation of the Council’s Integrated

Services Model – Ceredigion County Council (20/12/19)

o   The National Fraud Initiative in Wales 2018-20 (13/10/20)

o   Welsh Community Care Information System (15/10/20)

Effectiveness of Local Planning Authorities in Wales (6/6/2019)

            Commercialisation in Local Government (6/10/2020)

  • Asset Valuation Update (verbal)
  • Audit Wales Protocols


1)    Current Work

o   Project Brief- Value for Money of Direct Payments

o   Project Brief- Review of Planning

o   Financial Sustainability Assessment Project 2020-2021


            Audit Wales reiterated their concerns regarding the communication and revaluation issues of the Estate Service raised in several ISA 260 reports in relation to the Statement of Accounts. This information had been requested in January but had not been forthcoming. A meeting had been held with the Chief Executive and AW in March, and they had been given assurance that this information would be available to complete the audit. This also had an impact on finalising the Statement of Accounts for 2020/21. In response, the Corporate Manager – Growth and Enterprise reported that AW were correct in their comments, and valuations had been carried out last October and November, however, they were currently completing the final assessment of the internal process of these valuations. A few issues were required to be addressed, however, he stated that he was confident on the quality of the valuations and their audit trail. Also officers would be available in September to address any issues from AW, therefore the key points in the ISA 260 would be addressed confidently. .


            Members reiterated their concerns on this continued issue, and if there were any further concerns and delays, AW should contact the Chair of the Committee.


It was AGREED to note the reports subject to the following :-

(i) that an update be provided at the September meeting on recruitment ,  communication and revaluation process of the Estates service in order that the committee receive assurance that issues raised in the statement of accounts have been addressed;

(ii) that a meeting be arranged between the Chief Executive ,Chair and Vice Chair to discuss the process to address the issues raised in (i); and

(iii) to consider the possibility of a designated officer to be a contact point between Audit Wales and the Estate Service if issues were raised during the forthcoming statement of accounts


Supporting documents: