Agenda and draft minutes

Charity Trustee Committee - Monday, 6th November, 2023 11.30 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

Contact: Nia Jones 

No. Item




Councillors Elaine Evans and Ceris Jones apologised for their inability to attend the meeting.


Disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests


Councillors Rhodri Evans and Wyn Evans noted a personal interest in relation to item 6.


To consider the Minutes of the Meeting of the Charity Trustee Committee held on 29 June 2023 and to consider any matters arising from those minutes pdf icon PDF 76 KB


It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2023.


Matters arising

There were no matters arising.


To receive a report upon the draft Annual Trustee Reports 2022-2023 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Louise Harries presented the report to Committee noting that it is a legal obligation under section 162 of the Charities Act 2011, to prepare an annual report in relation to their charity in each financial year, where the income exceeds £25,000.  Although none of the five charities’ income exceeded this amount, the Committee had decided last year that produce reports on an annual basis.  Draft reports were considered for the following registered charities:


·       The War Memorial, Hall, New Quay

·       The New Quay Library and Reading Room

·       The COE Memorial Educational Foundation

·       The Cardiganshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund, and

·       The Charity of Richard James Thomas


The Commission’s guidance states that a short statement should be made that discloses if trustees have not read the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit when exercising any powers or duties to which the guidance would be relevant.  There are a few outstanding, therefore it was recommended that all read and confirm that they have read the guidance prior to presenting the reports next year.


Members asked that proof of insurance is requested from tenants on an annual basis.  They also asked that the reference to Ysgol Dyffryn Teifi in the Cardiganshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund is amended to reference Ysgol Bro Teifi.


Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to:

1.    approve the 5 draft annual trustee reports set out in Appendices 1-5 of this report and that the Chair of the Charity Trustee Committee shall sign and date clean copies of the same on behalf of the charity trustee:

2.    that all Members of the Charity Trustee Committee will read the two Charity Commission guidance documents (PB2 and PB3) set out at Appendix 6 of this report and confirm at the next Committee meeting that they have read the guidance.


To receive a report on the New Quay Library and Reading Room - update pdf icon PDF 85 KB


Louise Harries presented the report to the Committee noting that a press-release was issued on 10th July 2023, and officers also directly contacted various organisations listed in the report asking whether any group or organisation would be interested in taking on the New Quay Library and Reading Room trust site for educational purposes.


She noted that five expressions of interest were received, one of which has since been retracted, and one which related to a commercial business.  A further expression of interest was received outside of the deadline set, which also related to a commercial business. 


Louise Harries confirmed that Officers are currently in the process of discussing the applications with the 3 remaining expressions of interest, in terms of amalgamate ideas, and that a further report will be brought, early next year once proposals are clear for decision as to whether the Committee wishes to proceed.


Members of the Committee NOTED the report.


To receive a verbal update upon the Tregaron Sub-Group


Louise Harries gave a verbal update to the Committee upon the meetings of the Charity Trustee Committee Sub-Group for Tregaron.  She noted that the sub-group met in September to discuss proposals as to how the money should be spent.  Rhydian Harries from Porth Cymorth Cynnar attended the meetings to provide information on the different types of astroturf pitches and the positives and negatives of these various services as well as potential grant funding and costs, and to seek the aspirations of the group in terms of locality.


A one page document was provided to members outlining the above and potential pricing.  The next step will be to arrange a further meeting of the sub-group in order that recommendation can be presented back to this committee.


To receive a report on proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Charity Trustee Committee pdf icon PDF 78 KB


Louise Harries presented the report to the Committee noting that the proposed changes are being recommended to reflect fact that the Vice-Chairs of the Charity Trustee Committee are effectively doing more than observing the meetings.  The amendments would allow all Members of the Committee to participate in meetings as full Members.


Following discussion, it was RESOLVED:


That Members of the Charity Trustee Committee:

1.    agree in principle that the Terms of Reference of the Charity Trustee Committee are re-amended to:

a) enable Vice-Chairs to vote; and

b) to:

       remove the reference to Vice-Chairs as “observers”;

       remove the reference to Vice-Chairs being entitled to make representations;

       remove the reference to Vice-Chairs having a vote in absence of the Chairs; and

c) confirm the Charity Trustee Committee quorum is 3 (of all voting members).


2.     recommend that Council approves the amendments above to the Terms of Reference within the Constitution relating to the status of Vice-Chairs.