Agenda and minutes

Language Committee - Monday, 17th May, 2021 10.00 am

No. Item






Best wishes were extended to Mrs Carys Morgan, Language Officer during her current treatment.



Disclosure of personal / prejudicial interests


There were no disclosures of personal or prejudicial interests


To confirm as a true record the minutes of a meeting of the Language Committee held on 07 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 140 KB


It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on the 07 December 2021.


Any matters arising from the minutes




Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The CLO Schools provided Members with a breakdown of the process of

Implementing the WESP, to include the democratic and consultation process. It was reported that the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan was a 10 year plan for 2022-2032 and would be submitted to the Welsh Government by 31 January 2022. It was required to plan according to 7 statutory outcomes to develop and strengthen the position of the Welsh Language within education.


Outcome 1: More nursery children/ three year olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh

Outcome 2: More reception class children/ five year olds receive their

education through the medium of Welsh

Outcome 3: More children continue to improve their Welsh language skills

when transferring from one stage of their statutory education to another

Outcome 4: More learners study for assessed qualifications in Welsh (as a subject) and subjects through the medium of Welsh

Outcome 5: More opportunities for learners to use Welsh in different contexts in school

Outcome 6: An increase in the provision of Welsh-medium education for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) (in accordance with the duties imposed by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018

Outcome 7: Increase the number of teaching staff able to teach Welsh (as a subject) and teach through the medium of Welsh


The CLO-Schools provided Members with an update on the position of Ceredigion Schools on each of the above outcomes and the data to support the current and future positions.


Following a detailed presentation and questions from the floor, it was reported that the plan would now be presented to Learning Communities Overview and Scrutiny for consideration      and then Cabinet to agree that it would be sent out to public consultation.



Ceredigion second homes and holiday lets data pdf icon PDF 5 MB


Dr Sarah Groves-Phillips provided an update on the impact of second homes in coastal authorities had been widely discussed in the media of late, and there had been calls for Welsh Government (WG) to introduce limits to the numbers, or change the planning framework to offer more protection to areas that have seen significant numbers of second homes and holiday lets. The report paper investigates the position in Ceredigion compares  regionally and highlights areas where rates may have reached unsustainable levels in the county.


The report was presented to the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 03.03.2021. The Committee agreed to endorse the Motion proposed to Council:


Ceredigion County Council calls on the Welsh Government to:

1. add a new clause to the Planning Act so that it is compulsory to make a planning application before obtaining the right to convert a residential home into a holiday home or a holiday let

2. adapt the policy framework to allow for maximum thresholds to be set with regard to the number of holiday homes in a given area

3. make it compulsory for second-home owners to ask for planning permission before turning a second home into a holiday business or an AirBnB business


The Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee also agreed to recommend to Council that a 100% increase was levied on the council tax of holiday homes in the county.


Following question from the floor, Members thanked the officer for a comprehensive and well written report. It was AGREED to support the recommendation of the Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee to Council.



Welsh Language Standards Annual Monitoring Report 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Consideration was given to the Report on the Annual Monitoring Report- Welsh Language Standards 2020-21. The report presented outlined the progress in implementing the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards. In line with Standard 158, the report has to be published by the 30 June 2021.


Following questions from the floor, it was AGREED to:-

(i)            receive the Annual Monitoring Report of Ceredigion County Council’s Welsh Language Standards (2020-21) and

(ii)          recommend that the full report be presented to the Council’s Cabinet for approval and then publication on the Council’s corporate website.