Venue: held remotely via video-conference
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillor Maldwyn Lewis
together with Mr Steffan Jones, Address Management Officer apologised for his
inability to attend the meeting. |
Disclosure of personal/prejudicial interests Minutes: None. |
To confirm as a true record the minutes of the Meeting held on 17 May 2021 PDF 114 KB Minutes: It It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record the
minutes of the meeting held on the 17 May 2021. |
Any matters arising from the minutes Minutes: None. |
Verbal Report on the draft Welsh in Education Strategic Plan and Immersion Minutes: Firstly, an update was provided on the draft Welsh in Education Strategic Plan.
It was reported that the consultation had ended mid November
and the comments and recommendations were now been collated to present as a
report for consideration to the Learning communities Overview and Scrutiny
Committee on the 15 December 2021. However, a document was due to be published on categorising schools according to language
in mid December. The timetable to proceed with the
plan through the democratic process would now need to be amended to the start
of the new year, to reflect that the Welsh Government
document was not available until mid December. However, to date a consultation
report was awaited from the Welsh In
relation to the Language immersion it was reported that following virtual
learning, the teaching had now returned to the classroom following the autumn
half term in Felinfach (12 pupils were attending), Cardigan (10 pupils were
attending and Aberystwyth (8 pupils were attending)with classes being held five
days a week instead of four to alleviate issues with covid
regulations for the pupils.
There was also a waiting list of 10 to attend the Cardigan facility.
Confirmation was also waited on the Language Immersion
grant from WG to assist Year 7, Year 2 with their Welsh Language skills and to
increase the virtual provision within the County on the Hwb
service nationally. Following questions from the
floor, it was agreed to congratulate the service on
their work during this difficult time and to congratulate the Welsh Language
Support Team Leader on her work being renowned by ESTYN. |
Verbal Report on the Welsh Language Charter, celebrations and Facebook Minutes: An update was provided on the Welsh
Language Charter, celebrations and Facebook work. The Officer provided information on a vast
amount of activities and events that had been held to
promote the Welsh language in our schools. Following questions from the floor, the Welsh Language
Support Officer was congratulated on her work and
enthusiasm. |
Welsh Language Training of Staff during lockdown PDF 62 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the
Report upon the Welsh Language Training of Staff during lockdown. The following
information was outlined:- • Background • Formal
Learning • Additional
Formal Learning • Informal
Learning • National
Recognition • Work Welsh
2021/22 Following questions from the floor, it was AGREED to congratulate the Officer and staff on the Welsh Language Training and achievements. |
Theatr Felinfach Annual Report PDF 159 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the Theatr Felinfach Annual
Report on the work of the Theatr during 2020/21 which had focused on
developing creative, digital activities to ensure that there are opportunities
for residents of all ages in Ceredigion and beyond to hear, use and celebrate
the Welsh language and its culture. A list of these digital activities were provided to include the Dychmygus
platform, Gwyl yr Enfys, Bore da Drama, Cadw Cyswllt projects. Members were also informed of the Lessons learnt from
digital action, Now and the future and Challenges for
the theatr. Following questions from the floor, it was AGREED to accept
Theatr Felinfach’s annual report and to note the
theatre's work as a specialist community arts provider that promotes the Welsh
language and bilingualism and focuses on restoring and re-establishing
Welsh-medium and bilingual social activities for the residents of Ceredigion.
Members also congratulated the Theatr on their work during this difficult time. |
Cered Annual Report PDF 501 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the Cered Annual Report. It was
reported that there had been changes to the Initiative’s management
structures during the period. The Initiative was part of the Schools and
Culture Service's Culture Division under the leadership of Corporate Lead
Officer, Meinir Ebbsworth. In November 2020 Cered
Manager was appointed Corporate Manager – Culture, some of the Cered Manager's
duties and responsibilities are part of that role. A new Cered Team Leader had also been appointed. The following information was provided:-
Following questions from the floor, it was AGREED to accept the annual report as a record of Cered's work during the period in question and to note the
work of the Initiative in promoting and developing the use of the Welsh
language in Ceredigion. Members congratulated Cered on their work during this
difficult time. |
Ceredigion place names PDF 508 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the report upon the
Ceredigion place names As the report had
been discussed at previous meetings over a period of time, it was AGREED to
recommend the submissions to Cabinet for final approval. |
Welsh Language Commissioner Items for Information -
Self-assessment questionnaire -
Welsh Language Commissioner's 5-year reports The Position of the Welsh Language 2016–20: Welsh
Language Commissioner’s 5-year Report Welsh Government
sets out the next five years for Cymraeg 2050 | GOV.WALES -
Assurance report 2020-21 – ‘Stepping forward’ Minutes: A summary of the following
reports was provided and it was AGREED to note their
content:- ·
questionnaire ·
Language Commissioner's 5-year reports ·
report 2020-21 – ‘Stepping forward’ Confirmation was
sought if it was now possible to prevent homeowners changing the original
Welsh name of their dwelling to an English one. It was
reported, that unfortunately this was not possible; and that the only
process the Council current had was to encourage them to retain the Welsh Name
was by a letter being sent to the homeowner from the Address Management
Officer. Legal advice would also be sought if it was
possible for a property once built to contain a covenant in its deed that
stated that the Welsh name of the dwelling should remain. These questions would also
be raised at the Town and Community Council meeting that evening on behalf of Llanllwchaearn and Llandysiliogogo
Community Councils by Councillor Gareth Lloyd. |
Any other matter which the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Committee |