Agenda and minutes

Council - Friday, 20th May, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

Contact: Nia Jones 

No. Item


Code of Conduct for outstanding Members


Elin Prysor, Monitoring Officer addressed the Council on the statutory requirement for all Members to make a Declaration of Acceptance and an undertaking to comply with the Code of Conduct, confirming that all Councillors making their statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office today have received comprehensive training on the Council’s Code of Conduct on Monday 9th May 2022 or on Thursday 19th May 2022.


This is in  order for them to perform their functions with an understanding of the Principles of Public Life, their duties and responsibilities under the Code, and also the consequences for failing to do so.



Members to make a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and an Undertaking to comply with the Code of Conduct


Councillors Catrin M S Davies, Steve Davies and Carl Worrall verbally accepted their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the undertaking to comply with the Code of Conduct which had been singed by each and countersigned by the Proper Officer.




Councillors Gareth Davies and Mark Strong apologised for their inability to attend the meeting


Disclosure of personal / prejudicial interests


The Chairman declared a personal interest on behalf of all Councillors in item 15 below. All Councillors agreed.



Personal matters


a)    Councillor Euros Davies, congratulated Rose Florence who will be celebrating her 104th birthday on 28th May;

b)    Councillor Bryan Davies extended his condolences to Councillor Mark Strong on the recent bereavement of his father;

c)    Councillor Alun Williams congratulated Mair Thomas on celebrating her 100th birthday;

d)    Councillor Rhodri Evans congratulated Cari Davies on winning the Ceredigion Junior Member of the Young Farmers’ Cub and Sioned Davies on wining the Ceredigion and the all Wales Senior Member of the Young Farmers’ Club.;

e)    Councillor Keith Evans congratulated Menna James on celebrating her 100th birthday;

f)      Councillor Keith Evans extended his condolences to the family of Mr Lyndon Lloyd Jones on their recent bereavement.


To receive notification of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members by the Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bryan Davies informed the Council that the membership of the Cabinet was as follows:


Cabinet Member

Cabinet Portfolio


Councillor Bryan Davies

Leader and Cabinet Member for Democratic Services, Policy, Performance and Partnerships


Councillor Alun Williams

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Through Age and Wellbeing


Councillor Catrin M S Davies

Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Customer Services


Councillor Clive Davies

Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration


Councillor Gareth Davies

Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement Services


Councillor Keith Henson

Cabinet Member for Highways and Environmental Services and Carbon Management


Councillor Wyn Thomas

Cabinet Member for Schools, Lifelong Learning and Skills


Councillor Matthew Vaux

Cabinet Member for Housing, Legal and Governance, People and Organisation and Public Protection



It was RESOLVED to note the new Cabinet Membership and Deputy Leader of the Council.


To receive notification from the Groups and to confirm membership of the following Committees and the Overview and Scrutiny Committees:



a)        Development Management Committee (15)

b)        Licensing Committee (11)

c)         Governance and Audit Committee (6)

d)        Democratic Services Committee (6)

e)        Language Committee (7)

f)          Ethics and Standards Committee (2)


          Overview and Scrutiny Committees


a)        Corporate Resources (13)

b)        Thriving Communities (13)

c)         Healthier Communities (13)

d)        Learning Communities (13)

e)        Chair and Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee (2)


The remaining 8 Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Membership is made up of the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the thematic Overview and Scrutiny Committees. These 10 Members also constitute Membership of the Charity Trustee Committee.







Development Management Committee (15)


Plaid Cymru (7):


Councillor Rhodri Davies

Councillor Carl Worrall

Councillor Ceris Jones

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Gethin Davies

Councillor Maldwyn Lewis

Councillor Chris James



Independents (4):


Councillor Ifan Davies

Councillor Rhodri Evans

Councillor Marc Davies

Councillor Gareth Lloyd



Liberal Democrats (3):


Councillor Meirion Davies

Councillor Geraint Hughes

Councillor Sian Maehrlein



Un-grouped (1):

Councillor Hugh Hughes


Licensing Committee (11)


Plaid Cymru (5):


Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Amanda Edwards

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Eryl Evans

Councillor Caryl Roberts



Independents (3):


Councillor Euros Davies

Councillor Keith Evans

Councillor Gwyn James



Liberal Democrats (3):


Councillor Elaine Evans

Councillor Paul Hinge

Councillor John Roberts


Governance and Audit Committee (6)


Plaid Cymru (3):


Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Maldwyn Lewis



Independents (2):


Councillor Gareth Lloyd

Councillor Wyn Evans



Liberal Democrats (1):


Councillor Elizabeth Evans


Democratic Services Committee (6)


Plaid Cymru (3):


Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Caryl Roberts

Councillor Mark Strong



Independents (2):


Councillor Gwyn James

Councillor Gareth Lloyd



Liberal Democrats (1):


Councillor Elizabeth Evans


Language Committee (7)


Plaid Cymru (3):


Councillor Catrin M S Davies

Councillor Rhodri Davies

Councillor  Chris James



Independents (2):


Councillor Gwyn Wigley Evans

Councillor Gareth Lloyd



Liberal Democrats (2):


Councillor John Roberts

Vacant seat


Ethics and Standards Committee (2)


Elected Members (2):

Councillor Gwyn Wigley Evans

Councillor Caryl Roberts




Elected Members (Community Council representatives) (2):


To be appointed by the Community Councils.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Corporate Resources (13)


Plaid Cymru (5):


Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Eryl Evans

Councillor Ceris Jones

Councillor Caryl Roberts

Councillor Carol Worrall



Independents (4):


Councillor Euros Davies

Councillor Ifan Davies

Councillor Rhodri Evans

Councillor Hag Harris



Liberal Democrats (3):


Councillor Elaine Evans

Councillor Paul Hinge

Councillor Geraint Hughes



Un-grouped (1):

Councillor Hugh Hughes


Thriving Communities (13)


Plaid Cymru (6):


Councillor Gethin Davies

Councillor Rhodri Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Chris James

Councillor Maldwyn Lewis

Councillor Carl Worrall



Independents (4):


Councillor Marc Davies

Councillor Gwyn Wigley Evans

Councillor Rhodri Evans

Councillor Wyn Evans



Liberal Democrats (3):


Councillor Meirion Davies

Councillor Sian Maehrlein

Councillor John Roberts


Healthier Communities (13)


Plaid Cymru (6):


Councillor Amanda Edwards

Councillor Eryl Evans

Councillor Ceris Jones

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Caryl Roberts

Councillor Carl Worrall



Independents (4):


Councillor Ifan Davies

Councillor Keith Evans

Councillor Gwyn James

Councillor Wyn Evans



Liberal Democrats (3):


Councillor Elaine Evans

Councillor Sian Maehrlein

Councillor John Roberts


Learning Communities (13)


Plaid Cymru (6):


Councillor Rhodri Davies

Councillor Amanda Edwards

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Eryl Evans

Councillor Chris James

Councillor Mark Strong



Independents (4):


Councillor Euros Davies

Councillor Marc Davies

Councillor Hag Harris

Councillor Gareth Lloyd



Liberal Democrats (3):


Councillor Meirion Davies

Councillor Paul Hinge

Councillor Geraint Hughes


To appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Democratic Services Committee


It was RESOLVED to:

i.               Appoint Councillor Elizabeth Evans as Chairman of the Democratic Services Committee; and

ii.              Appoint Councillor Gareth Lloyd as the Vice Chairman of the Democratic Services Committee.


To appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee


It was RESOLVED to:

                    i.     appoint Councillor Keith Evans as the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee; and

                   ii.     appoint Councillor Wyn Evans as the Vice Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee.



To appoint Members to the following Member Champion roles:

Member Champions

-       50+

-       Anti-slavery and Ethical Employment

-       Armed Forces

-       Biodiversity

-       Carers

-       Children and Young People

-       Combating Poverty

-       Digital champion

-       Diversity

-       Domestic Violence

-       Equalities

-       Health and Safety

-       Learning Disabilities

-       Member Development

-       Mental Health

-       Public Health

-       Safeguarding

-       Sustainability


It was RESOLVED to appoint the following as Member Champions:





Alun Williams

Anti-slavery and Ethical Employment

Elizabeth Evans

Armed Forces

Paul Hinge


Keith Henson


Carl Worrall

Children and Young People

Wyn Thomas

Combating Poverty

Elaine Evans

Digital champion

Clive Davies


Catrin M S Davies

Domestic Violence

Sian Maehrlein


Catrin M S Davies

Health and Safety

Keith Henson

Learning Disabilities

Wyn Thomas

Member Development

Bryan Davies

Mental Health

Catrin M S Davies

Public Health

Matthew Vaux


Alun Williams


Keith Henson



To appoint Members to serve on School Governing Bodies pdf icon PDF 288 KB


Consideration was given to the report on vacancies for LEA Members on School Governing Bodies and it was RESOLVED to make the appointments as presented at the meeting, subject to the following amendments.


-       Llechryd Primary School, to appoint Councillor Amanda Edwards

-       Cardigan Secondary School, to appoint Councillor Sian Maehrlein

-       Penweddig School, to appoint 2 Members namely councillor Gareth Davies, and Councillor Endaf Edwards.



To appoint Members to serve on the following Internal Panels, Working Group, Fora



a)      Asset Management Group

4 Members, namely:

-         Leader

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental Services


b)      Development Management Committee Cooling-off Group

7 Members (political balance)


c) Emergency Business Continuity Management Group

2 Members, namely:

-         Deputy Leader

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Public Protection Services


d) Capital Monitoring Group

1 Member, namely:

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement


e) Carbon Management Group

1 Member, namely:

-         Member Champion for Sustainability


f) Community Grants Panel

2 Members, namely:

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement


g) Corporate Employee Forum

2 Members, namely:

-         Leader

-         Deputy Leader


h) Corporate Health and Safety Forum

1 Member, namely

-         Member Champion for Health and Safety


i)        Corporate Parenting Group

1 Member, namely:

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cynnal


j)        Development Group

4 Members, namely:

-         Leader

-         Deputy Leader

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement


k)      Equalities Group

1 Member, namely:

-         Leader


l)        Housing Grants Panel

4 Members, namely:

-         Leader

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Gofal


m)    Local Development Plan Working Group

7 Members (political balance)


n)      Performance Management Board

2 Members, namely:

-         Leader

-         Deputy Leader

(All Cabinet Members are invited to attend)


o)      Waste Strategy Group

1 Member, namely:

-         Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


p)    Constitution Cross Party Working Group

7 Members (political balance)


It was RESOLVED to appoint the following Members to serve on Internal Panels, Working Groups and Fora:


Panel / Group



Asset Management Group


4 Members, namely:

-      Leader

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental Services


Bryan Davies

Gareth Davies

Clive Davies

Keith Henson

Development Management Committee Cooling-off Group

7 Members (political balance)


Plaid Cymru – 3

Independent – 2

Lib Dems - 2


Rhodri Davies

Ceris Jones

Gethin Davies

Gareth Lloyd

Rhodri Evans

Meirion Davies

Geraint Hughes

Emergency Business Continuity Management Group


2 Members, namely:

-      Deputy Leader

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Public Protection Services


Alun Williams

Matthew Vaux

Capital Monitoring Group

1 Member, namely:

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement


Gareth Davies

Carbon Management Group


3 Members, with political balance to include:

-      Member Champion for Sustainability


Keith Henson

Rhodri Evans

Elizabeth Evans

Community Grants Panel

2 Members, namely:

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement

Clive Davies

Gareth Davies

Corporate Employee Forum


2 Members, namely:

-      Leader

-      Deputy Leader


Bryan Davies

Alun Williams

Corporate Health and Safety Forum

1 Member, namely

-      Member Champion for Health and Safety


Keith Henson

Corporate Parenting Group

1 Member, namely:

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cynnal


Alun Williams

Development Group

4 Members, namely:

-      Leader

-      Deputy Leader

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement


Bryan Davies

Alun Williams

Clive Davies

Gareth Davies

Equalities Group

1 Member, namely:

-      Leader


Bryan Davies

Housing Grants Panel

4 Members, namely:

-      Leader

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Gofal


Bryan Davies

Gareth Davies

Matthew Vaux

Alun Williams

Local Development Plan Working Group

7 Members (political balance)

Plaid Cymru – 3

Independent – 2

Lib Dems - 2


Rhodri Davies

Ceris Jones

Chris James

Gareth Lloyd

Rhodri Evans

Meirion Davies

Geraint Hughes


Performance Management Board

2 Members, namely:

-      Leader

-      Deputy Leader

(All Cabinet Members are invited to attend)


Bryan Davies

Alun Williams

Waste Strategy Group

1 Member, namely:

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


Keith Henson

Constitution Cross Party Working Group

7 Members (political balance)

Bryan Davies

Gareth Davies

Alun Williams

Gareth Lloyd

Keith Evans

Paul Hinge

Elizabeth Evans


Members asked if the Asset Panel Group, which includes cross-party Members should be included to this listing, and it was also noted that the Carbon Management Group includes representation across all groups.


To appoint Members to serve on the following Partnerships, Joint Committees, Agencies



a)    Aberystwyth-Shrewsbury Railway Line Liaison Committee

2 Members


b)    Carers Alliance

1 Member, namely

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cymorth Cynnar


c)    Ceredigion Public Service Board, and Sub-Committees

Allocated among Cabinet Members


d)    Corporate Joint Committee

1 Member, namely Leader


e)    Corporate Joint Committee Sub Committees

-       Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (5 Members with political balance)

-       Governance and Audit Committee (2 Members)

-       Standards Committee (2 Members)


f)      Corporate Passenger and Transport Unit Reference Group

4      Members (3 voting rights), namely:

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Schools

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Through Age Services (shared voting right)


g)    Cylch Caron Project Board

2 Members (1 voting right), namely:

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Gofal (with voting right)

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing (no voting rights)


h)    Enterprise and Innovation Project Group

1 Member, namely:

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration


i)      Growing Mid Wales Partnership

3 Members, namely:

-       Leader of the Council

-       2 Cabinet Members


j) Growing Mid Wales Joint Committee

5 Members, namely:

-     Leader of the Council

-     4 Cabinet Members


k)    Growing Mid Wales Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee

5 Members from Thriving Communities (political balance)

l) Harbour Users Group

1 Member, namely:

-  Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


m) Local Access Forum

1 Member, namely:

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration


n) Mid Wales Adoption Panel

1 Member, namely

-      Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cynnal


o) Mid Wales Joint Committee for Health and Care

1 Member, namely:

-   Leader


p) North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency

1 Member, namely:

-  Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


q) PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee)

1 Member


r) Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

5 Members


s) Strategic Housing Partnership

1 Member, namely:

-     Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing


t) TraCC

2 Members, namely:

-     Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-     Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


u) Traffic Management Consultative Group

1 Member, namely:

-     Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


v) West Wales Care and Repair Board of Management

1 Member, namely:

-     Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing


w) West Wales Partnership Board

1 Member, namely:

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cynnal

x) Youth Justice Management Board

1 Member, namely:

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cymorth Cynnar



It was RESOLVED to appoint the following to the Partnerships, Joint Committees and Agencies:


Partnership / Committee



Aberystwyth-Shrewsbury Railway Line Liaison Committee

2 Members


Alun Williams

Paul Hinge

Carers Alliance

1 Member, namely

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cymorth Cynnar


Alun Williams

Ceredigion Public Service Board, and Sub-Committees

Leader of the Council to sit on the PSB


Sub-Committees to be allocated among Cabinet Members


Bryan Davies

Corporate Joint Committee

1 Member, namely Leader


Bryan Davies

 Corporate Joint Committee Sub Committees

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (5 Members with political balance)


To defer a decision

Governance and Audit Committee (2 Members)

To defer a decision

Standards Committee (2 Members)

To defer a decision

Corporate Passenger and Transport Unit Reference Group

4 Members (3 voting rights), namely:

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Schools

-       Cabinet Member with responsibility for Through Age Services (shared voting right)


Keith Henson

Wyn Thomas

Alun Williams



Cylch Caron Project Board

2 Members (1 voting right), namely

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Gofal (with voting right)

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing (no voting rights)


Alun Williams

Matthew Vaux

Enterprise and Innovation Project Group


1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration


Clive Davies

Growing Mid Wales Partnership

3 Members, namely:

-        Leader of the Council

-        2 Cabinet Members


Bryan Davies

Clive Davies

Keith Henson

Growing Mid Wales Joint Committee

5 Members, namely:

-     Leader of the Council

-     4 Cabinet Members


Bryan Davies

Catrin M S Davies Clive Davies

Keith Henson

Matthew Vaux

Growing Mid Wales Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee


5 Members (political balance)

To defer a decision

Harbour Users Group

1 Member, namely

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


Keith Henson

Local Access Forum

1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration


Clive Davies

Mid Wales Adoption Panel

1 Member, namely

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cynnal


Alun Williams

Mid Wales Joint Committee for Health and Care

1 Member, namely:

-   Leader


Bryan Davies

North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency

1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


Keith Henson

PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee)


1 Member


Keith Henson

Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

5 Members


Keith Henson

Ceris Jones

Keith Evans

Ifan Davies

John Roberts

Strategic Housing Partnership

1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing


Matthew Vaux


2 Members, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


Clive Davies

Keith Henson

Traffic Management Consultative Group

1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental


Keith Henson

West Wales Care and Repair Board of Management


1 Member, namely:

-    Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing


Matthew Vaux

West Wales Partnership Board

1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Cynnal


Alun Williams  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


To appoint Members to serve on outside bodies (Enclosure A) pdf icon PDF 279 KB


It was RESOLVED to appoint the following to the external bodies:


External Body / Panel

Number of Members required


Aberystwyth University

2 Members, namely:

-        Leader

-        Chairman of the Council


Bryan Davies

Ifan Davies

Ceredigion Sports Council


2 Members, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Porth Gofal

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance and Procurement


Alun Williams

Gareth Davies

Consortium Local Authorities Wales (CLAW)

1 Member, namely

- Leader of the Council (with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration to deputise)


Bryan Davies

Dyfed- Powys Police and Crime Panel


3 Members.

Must reflect political balance of the Council and nominations will be subject to the approval of the Home Secretary.


Wyn Thomas

Keith Evans

Elizabeth Evans

Dyfi Biosphere Partnership

2 Members, namely:

-          Cabinet Member holding a portfolio for key relevance to the Dyfi Biosphere such as sustainable development, natural resources or climate change

-          Local Member from a Ward within the enlarged Dyfi Biosphere (Aberystwyth Penparcau, Aberystwyth Morfa a Glais, Aberystwyth Rheidol, Llanbadarn Fawr, Faenor, Tirymynach, Borth a Ceulanmaesmawr)


Keith Henson

Catrin M S Davies

Hywel Dda Community Health Council

3 Members


Amanda Edwards

Wyn Evans

Elizabeth Evans

Joint Council for Wales

1 Member, namely

- Leader of the Council


Bryan Davies


Mid Wales Fire Authority

2 Members

Hag Harris

Gwyn Wigley Evans

North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Authority

1 Member, namely:

-        Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Environmental Services


Keith Henson


Parc Natur Penglais

2 Local Members


Mark Strong

Alun Williams


Penllyn a’r Sarnau Special Area of Conservation

1 Member (representing the Council on conservation and marine issues)

Keith Henson



2 Members, namely:

-        Leader of the Council

Deputy Leader of the Council


Bryan Davies

Alun Williams


WLGA Association Executive Board

1 Member, namely

Leader of the Council

Bryan Davies


WLGA Rural Forum

1 Member, namely

Leader of the Council


Bryan Davies





To receive a report from the Corporate Lead Officer for Democratic Services on the Schedule of Member Remuneration for 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Councillor Bryan Davies, Leader of the Council presented the report to Council.


The Council RESOLVED to note the following:


1.     The payment of Basic and Senior Salaries as prescribed by the Independent Remuneration Panel, as set out in Schedule 1

2.     Civic Salaries payable to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Council, from 27th May 2022, to be£25,593 and £20,540 respectively

3.     To note the Entitlement to Family Absence

4.     To note the Contribution towards Cost of Care and Personal Assistance

5.     Schedule of other payments as set out in Schedule 1


Following a vote, the Council RESOLVED to approve the following:


1.     Continuation of the current practice of not making payments for travelling expenses whilst undertaking constituency duties

3.     To continue with the opt-in monthly allowance scheme of a maximum of £10 to cover telephone, broadband and postage costs

4.     To reflect the opt-in of this allowance in the Statement of Payments made to Members annually

5.     Co-opted Members to be paid fees subject to a maximum equivalent to 10 full days for each committee to which an individual has been co-opted

6.     To continue to publish the total amount reimbursed by the authority during the year but not attributed to any named Member in respect of the reimbursement of care

7.     The 2022/2023 Schedule of Member Remuneration, subject to incorporating any amendments determined by the Council at this meeting and

8.     To authorise the Corporate Lead Officer: Democratic Services to incorporate any such amendments prior to publication after the Annual Meeting to be held 27th May 2022.


Members agreed to defer a decision on paragraph 15.1 of the covering report relating to the requirement for prior approval for travelling out of County for meetings, conferences and training, for further consideration by the Democratic Services Committee.