Venue: held remotely via video-conference
Contact: Nia Jones
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillors Rowland Rees-Evans and Mark Strong apologised for their
inability to attend the meeting. |
Disclosure of personal / prejudicial interests Minutes: Councillor Catherine Hughes declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to minute 13 below, and withdrew from the virtual meeting during discussions. Councillors Bryan Davies, Euros Davies, Endaf Edwards, Rhodri Evans, Catherine Hughes and Alun Lloyd Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to minute 16 below, and withdrew from the virtual meeting during discussions. Councillors Bryan Davies, Euros Davies, Endaf Edwards, Catherine Hughes, Gwyn James and Alun Lloyd Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to minute 17 and 18 below, and withdrew from the virtual meeting during discussions. The Chief Executive, Eifion Evans declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to minute 16 below, in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees and withdrew from the virtual meeting during discussions. The Chief Executive, on behalf of all Senior Officers present, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in relation to minute 17 and 18 below, in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees. Those members of staff withdrew from the virtual meeting during discussions. Catherine Hutton, HR Officer, the minute taker and translator remained in the meeting during discussions. |
Personal matters Minutes: a)
Ellen ap Gwynn congratulated ‘Ynyshir Hall’ on being awarded two Michelin
stars; b)
Ellen ap Gwynn congratulated ‘SY23’ on being awarded its first Michelin star; c)
Ellen ap Gwynn congratulated ‘Y Talbot’ on being included in the Michelin
Guide; d)
Ellen ap Gwynn congratulated Robat and Enid Griffiths, the founders and owners
of ‘Y Lolfa’ press, who have been selected to lead the St David’s Day Parade in
Aberystwyth this year; e)
Ellen ap Gwynn congratulated the Women’s Institute who are celebrating their
centenary this year; f)
Ellen ap Gwynn noted that the Minister for Education has announced funding of
£5.7m for the creation of a Welsh Language Immersion Centre and a block of new
Classrooms at Ysgol Gymraeg, Aberystwyth; g)
Gareth Lloyd, Panel Member and Trustee on the Dyfed Pension Board noted that
the investments with Russia is less than 1%, however it has been agreed to
disinvest as soon as possible; h)
Ellen a Gwynn thanked everyone for their support noting that she would be
retiring at the end of this term, thanking fellow Councillors and Officers for
their support over her 10 years as Leader of the Council., She paid tribute to
those Councillors that would be standing down, including Councillor Alun Lloyd
Jones, Councillor John Adams Lewis, Councillor Odwyn Davies, Councillor Lyndon
Lloyd MBE, Councillor Lynford Thomas, Councillor Peter Davies MBE, Councillor
Ivor Williams and Councillor Matthew Woolfall Jones. The comments were
acknowledge by the respective Members; i)
Ceredig Davies paid tribute to Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn and wished her well on
her retirement; j)
Ray Quant MBE, reflected on Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn’s leadership and paid
tribute to all the Members standing down and thanked them all for their
contributions; k)
Dafydd Edwards paid tribute to Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn, and expresses his
best wishes to all Members standing down; l)
Evans, Chief Executive echoed everything said by Members, noting that the
retirement of experienced Councillors would have a significant impact in terms
of loss of expertise and knowledge. He noted that their contributions have been
significant in terms of achieving the £110m Mid Wales Growth Deal, Levelling Up
funds, funding for 21st Century Schools etc. He wished them all well in their retirement; m)
Bryan Davies, who will be stepping into the role of the Leader of Plaid Cymru
Group thanked Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn and expressed his best wishes to all
the Members that would be standing down; n)
Bryan Davies noted that following the Notice of Motion at the Council Meeting
on 9 December 2021, Members have met with the Ambulance Service and received
reassurances that there will not be a reduction to the Ambulance Service that
covers Ceredigion; o) Councillor Bryan Davies noted that Llanarth will be taking part in an experimental road surfacing project made from recycled nappies which is funded by Welsh Government and expected to have twice the life of normal tarmac; ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
A verbal update by the Leader of the Council in relation to COVID-19 Minutes: Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn gave a verbal
update in relation to COVID-19 in Ceredigion. She noted that that there has been an additional 8 cases of cases
reported today in Ceredigion, contributing to a total of 11,597 cases since the
start of the pandemic. The current rate
is currently 177.5 per hundred thousand with a positivity rate of 22.2%. However, only PCR tests are currently being
reported daily and the Track and Trace Team has stated that considerably more
cases are being reported via the LTF tests, therefore this does not give the
full picture. The Public Health Wales
database suggests that cases in the Rheidol, Ystwyth and Caron area is currently
very high, and although cases at the University shot up initially after the
examinations the figures are now stabilising. Three Care Homes in Ceredigion are in restrictions due to
COVID-19 cases amongst staff, one of which has cases amongst their residents.
There are 2 patients currently at Bronglais Hospital with COVID-19. She
expressed her best wishes to Councillor Mark Strong who is currently at
Bronglais Hospital following a stroke and noted that he continues to improve. All Council services are now open, and we are preparing to
re-open all offices following the Local Elections in May. Work is ongoing in the Council Chamber to
ensure that we meet the new regulations which will allow us to work remotely or
face to face. |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 27 January 2022 Minutes: It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 27th January 2022. |
Minutes: Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn, Council Leader presented the report noting that the
information had been considered by the Cabinet and all Overview and Scrutiny
Committees. Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn noted that the
Council received correspondence from Welsh Government on 17th
February 2022 regarding additional funding for 2021/22 which can be carried
forward to the next year. She noted that
Cabinet asked Officers to draft a revised model, based upon a 2.5% increase to
the Council Tax which was considered during its meeting on 22 February 2022,
together with the feedback received from all Overview and Scrutiny Committees,
and agreed to recommend to Council that the draft 2022/23 Base Budget total is
£154.843m and that the level of increased Council Tax proposed for 2022/23 is
2.5%, representing a Band D amount of £1,447.90. Members noted that residents would be glad to hear that the Council Tax
increase would be based at 2.5% and attention was also brought to the Council
Tax Relief support that’s available. It was noted that a 2.5% increase in
Council Tax would enable services to be maintained. Following a vote, it was RESOLVED to : a) Note that, in the
opinion of the Corporate Lead Officer – Finance and Procurement (Statutory
Section 151 Officer), the 2022/23 budget estimates have been prepared in a
robust manner. b)
that, in the opinion of the Corporate Lead Officer – Finance and Procurement
(Statutory Section 151 Officer), the proposed planned levels of reserves,
provisions and balances is adequate in respect of the forthcoming financial
year. c)
the Updated Net Revenue Estimates for the Council for 2021/22 in the sum of
£154.736m; d)
Approve the Net Revenue
Estimates for the Council for 2022/23 in the sum of £165.843m; e)
Approve the detailed
service budgets for 2022/23 and the updated 2021/22, as set out in Appendix 1
of the report; f)
Levy a Basic Council
Tax of
£1,447.90 for 2022/23 for Band D properties; g)
the Capital Strategy, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report; h)
the Three-Year Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix 3 of the report; i)
the Prudential Indicators, as set out in the Appendix 4 of the report; j)
authority to the CLO – Finance and Procurement to effect movement within the
total of the authorised limit of external borrowing, and the operational
boundary. |
Minutes: Councillor
Gareth Lloyd, Cabinet Member for
Finance and Procurement Services and Public Protection presented the report to
the Council relating to the Council Tax Setting for 2022/23. Following a vote, it was RESOLVED to note the following: (i)
at its meeting
on 07 December 2021 the following amounts were approved by the Council’s
Cabinet for the year 2022/23 in accordance with regulations made under Section
33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: (a)
32,063.08 being the amount calculated by the Council,
in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base)
(Wales) Regulations 1995, as amended by the Local Authorities (Calculation of
Council Tax Base) and Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Wales)
(Amendment) Regulations 2004, as its Council Tax Base for the area. (b)
PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA COUNCIL TAX BASE 32,063.08 being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with
Regulation 6 of the 1995 Regulations (as amended by the 2004 Regulations), as the amounts of its
Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which
one or more special items relate; (ii) approve the amounts calculated by the
Council for the year 2022/23 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local
Government Finance Act 1992 as set out below:- (a) £251,857,115 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council
estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act. This includes £221,000 in respect of National
Non-Domestic Rates Relief. (b) £84,757,000 being the
aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in
Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act. (c) £167,100,115 being the amount by which
the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by
the Council, in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year. (d) £119,418,759 being the aggregate of the
sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its Council
Fund in respect of redistributed non-domestic rates and its revenue support
grant. (e) £1,487.11 being the amount at (c) above, less the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Minutes: Councillor
Gareth Lloyd, Cabinet Member for
Finance and Procurement Services and Public Protection presented the report to
Council noting that the Cabinet decided during its meeting on 22 February 2022
to approve the Treasury Management Strategy, the Investment Schedule and the
Minimum Revenue Provision Policy, and to delegate authority to the Section 151
Officer in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Procurement and
Public Protection to amend the Treasury Management Strategy and Investment
Schedule during the course of the year, recommending that Council approve the
Treasury Management Strategy for Borrowing and Investments and the Minimum
Revenue Provision Policy for 2022/23. (i)
Following a vote, it was RESOLVED to note the report and approve the decisions made by
Cabinet to approve the Treasury Management Strategy outlined in the report for
Borrowing and Investments; (ii)
(ii) to approve the Investment Schedule as set
out in Appendix B; (iii) to approve the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy as set
out in Appendix C; (iii)
(iv) to delegate authority to the Section 151
officer in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Procurement and
Public Protection, to amend the Treasury Management Strategy, and Investment
Schedule, during the course of the year. Following a vote it was RESOLVED
to approve: (a) the
Treasury Management Strategy for Borrowing and Investments for 2022/23; and (b) the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy for 2022/23. |
Minutes: Councillor
Gareth Lloyd, Cabinet Member for
Finance and Procurement Services and Public Protection presented the report to
Council noting that the Council as the Licensing Authority is required to adopt
a Gambling Policy, under the Gambling Act 2005 and to keep its Policy Statement
under general review to be determined at least every 3 years, to include a
period of statutory consultation. Councillor
Gareth Lloyd noted that minor changes are recommended, taking into
consideration changes to the Codes of Practice, the Fundamental Principles
within the Guidance and advice provided directly by representatives of the
Commission to Licensing staff.
Consultation with relevant parties concluded on 28 November 2021, and
consideration given to all responses received. In addition, the Council reviewed its resolution
not to issue casino licences within the County of Ceredigion as provided for in
Section 166 of the Gambling Act 2005, and a recommendation by Cabinet to retain
the ‘no-casino’ resolution. Councillor Alun Lloyd Jones, Chair of the Licencing
Committee noted that the Committee had considered the report and recommended
that the recommendations continue. Members also noted that the current Government
policy on gambling destroys lives, and asked if there have been any appeals
against the Council’s policy on Casinos. It was confirmed that the UK
Government is currently reviewing their gambling policy, and that Ceredigion
have not received any applications or appeals for Casinos however 2 persons
noted their objection as part of the consultation process. Following a vote, it was RESOLVED
to: a)
approve the revised Statement of Gambling Policy
as the Statement of Gambling Policy for Ceredigion for the period 2022-2025; follow the recommendation made by Cabinet to retain the “no casino” Resolution and the decision recorded and added to the final policy. |
Minutes: Councillor
Catherine Hughes, Cabinet Member for Porth Gofal presented the report to
Council noting that in accordance with Part 2 of the Social Services and
Wellbeing (Wales) Act, regional partners are required to produce Population Assessments
providing an assessment of need for care and support and support needs of
carers in their area. The summary report
was presented to Cabinet on 22 February 2022, and the full Population Needs
assessment report will be presented to Cabinet and Council when finalised. Members queried the situation with regards to Bodlondeb, and it was
confirmed that the property is currently on the open market. Members also
referred to research opportunities in conjunction with Bangor University. Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn confirmed that the
research is conducted by the Regional Partnership Board, and that any
additional enterprise funding will be provided via this route. She noted her disappointment regarding a lack
of dementia nursing within the County, stating that discussions are currently
being held with the Hywel Dda University Health Board and private partners as
Local Authorities are not legally permitted to provide nursing care and it is
hoped that there will be developments in the near future. The content of the report was noted by Council. |
Minutes: Councillor
Alun Williams, Cabinet Member for Porth Cynnal presented the report to Council noting that Welsh
Government requires local authorities, acting together with health boards, to
produce Market Stability Reports (MSRs) on a regional partnership board basis.
The Market Stability Report is set out under 2 specific heading, which consider
a Sufficiency assessment, and a Stability Assessment. It was noted that the
publication deadline for the report is 30 June 2022. This summary report
was presented to Cabinet on the 22nd February 2022. The final report
will be presented to Cabinet and Council once completed and finalised. Members thanked
Officers for the excellent services provided during extremely challenging
times, noting their concern that the data demonstrated that the figures will
increase, resulting in greater pressure upon these services. The content of the report was noted by Council. |
Minutes: Councillor Rhodri
Evans, Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration presented the report to
Council noting that the Council is required to establish a Local Access Forum
in accordance with the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and the
Countryside Access (Local Access Forums) (Wales) Regulations 2001. The Forum membership is for a 3 year period,
and new members will be appointed for the period 2022 to 2025. The appointment
process was widely publicised, receiving 19 applications, of which 2
subsequently withdrew as set out in Appendix 1.
One Council Member will be nominated to sit as Member of the Forum, which
will occur at the beginning of the new administration. Following a vote, it was RESOLVED
to approve the appointments to the Local Access Forum as listed in Appendix 1
for the period 2022-2025 |
Minutes: Councillor Rhodri
Evans, Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration presented the report to
Council noting that the Independent Group presented a paper to the Corporate
Resources Overview and Scrutiny on 29 November 2021 setting out a vision towards
creating a pathway to Home Ownership for the Younger Generation of Ceredigion.
The proposals were supported by the Committee where it was requested that
Officers work up the viability of the scheme. A further report was subsequently
considered by the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 7
February 2022 and by Cabinet at its meeting dated 22 February 2022. Councillor Ivor
Williams presented verbal feedback from the Corporate Resources Overview and
Scrutiny Committee stating that a robust discussion had taken place and that
all Committee Members were supportive of the proposal. He thanked the Independent Group for bringing
this report for consideration. Councillor
Elizabeth Evans stated that she was supportive of the proposal, but noted that
communities with a high number of second homes also need to be supported. Councillor Ifan
Davies, on behalf of the Independent Group thanked Officers for the work done
at short notice, and thanked the Chairman of the Corporate Resources Overview
and Scrutiny Committee for scheduling a special meeting to consider the
recommendations. He noted that there are
several challenges facing rural areas, and the affordability of homes for young
people is one of the most important ones. He noted that the recommendations
being considered were a first phase but further work would be required in the
new administration to consider and develop the various options available. Following a vote,
it was RESOLVED that: a)
Council decision 24/03/2016 Minute 12) Report of the Deputy Chief
Executive upon the Council Tax Premiums for long-term empty homes and second
homes, point 4 be amended as follows: “4.a) The level of Council Tax Second
Homes Premium charged to be
set at 25% (with effect from 1 April 2017); and, b) that all monies
raised from the 25% Council Tax Second
Homes Premium (net of the Council Tax
refunds), be ring -fenced and used to support
the Community Housing Scheme.” b)
all monies raised from the 25% Council Tax Second Homes Premium between the
period 01/04/2017 to 31/03/2022 (net of Council Tax refunds), to be ring-fenced
and used to support the Community Housing Scheme. c)
all monies raised from the 25% Council Tax Second Homes Premium from
01/04/2022 (net of the Council Tax
refunds), to be ring-fenced and used to support the Community Housing Scheme. d)
from 01/04/2022, all monies raised from the 25% Council Tax Empty Homes Premium
(net of the Council Tax refunds), be ring-fenced and used to support the
Community Housing Scheme e)
Council decision 16/03/2017 minute 8.b) Council Tax Premiums on Second Homes,
be revoked f)
details of a shared equity element of the scheme are prepared and agreed within
12 months of the Council decision and that work continues on the other options.
g) The possibility of ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Minutes: Councillor Ray
Quant, Cabinet Member for Legal and Governance, People and Organisation and
Democratic Services presented the report noting that the proposed changes have
been considered and approved by the Cross Party Working Group, to include: -
the Head of Democratic Services to the list of Statutory Officers -
the Cabinet Portfolios in Part 3.4 Table 4 and Part 3 (Appendix 2) -
Whistleblowing to the delegations of the CLO Legal & Governance -
to CLO Policy, Performance and Public Protection, including Civil Contingencies
and Business Continuity, and Trading Standards and Licensing Manager -
to CLO, Porth Cynnal,
including a reference to Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 and
reference to role of both CLOs regarding the West Wales Regional Partnership
Board and West Wales Care Partnership -
to CLO, Finance and Procurement
including status as Chief Finance Officer Growing Mid Wales Board and
Mid Wales Corporate Joint Committee and clarification of status as Ceredigion
Chief Finance Officer -
Mid Wales Education Partnership to Section 4 Part 7 (appendix 12) -
to the Ethics and Standards Committee and Governance and Audit Committee
reflecting the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 -
the Welsh in Education function in Part 3.2 Table 2, Part 3 -
a New Members Protocol of Good Practice in Planning, the Development Management
Committee Operational Procedures, and updated Terms of Reference, Scheme of
Delegations, and confirming change of name to Development Management Committee -
amendment reflecting the agreed reduction of Membership of various committees -
amendments including stylistic / formatting changes. Following a vote,
it was RESOLVED to: a) Change
of name of the Development Control
Committee to Development Management Committee b)
the contents of the report (in particular paras. A-M); c)
the changes to the Constitution (at Appendices 1-12 of the report); d)
the CLO Legal and Governance / Monitoring Officer to update the Council’s
Constitution to reflect the above changes. |
Minutes: Councillor Ray Quant, Cabinet Member for Legal and
Governance, People and Organisation and Democratic Services presented the
report to
Council stating that the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulation 2014 requires
local authorities to conduct a review of the effectiveness of their governance
framework including their systems of internal control at least on an annual basis. He noted the 7 underpinning principles of the
Annual Governance Statement, and gave an overview of the final review scoring
completed during the workshop which resulted in actions being identified for
2022/23. It was noted that the Annual Governance Statement is reported to Audit
Wales each year, and that a Member/Officer workshop was held to review existing
governance arrangements against the framework which reviewed the scoring, identifying
actions for 2022-23. The draft document
were approved by Governance and Audit Committee on 19 January 2022. Following a vote,
it was RESOLVED to: a)
Note the
contents of the 2021-2022 Governance Framework Document (Appendix 1); b)
the Draft Annual Governance Statement 2021-2022 (Appendix 2); c)
the Local Code of Corporate Governance 2022-2023 for publication (Appendix
3). Councillor Elizabeth Evans, Chair of Governance and Audit Committee noted that the Committee had considered every item in detail, along with the scores and thanked Officers, Members of the Governance and Audit Committee, and the Lay Member, Professor Ian Roffe for their contributions. |
Minutes: Councillor Catrin Miles, Cabinet Member for Schools and
Culture presented the report noting a 1.75% uplift applied to all statutory scale points and
allowances, payable from 1 September 2021, the inclusion of a set of mandatory
and discretionary principles of pay portability and clarification of the
position of head teachers responsible for more than one school, and confirming
that as a result of the extra bank holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum
Jubilee in 2022, teachers must be available to work for 194 days. It was noted that
following consultation with Local Trade Union Officers, a comprehensive list of
relevant equality legislation has also been included Following a vote,
it was RESOLVED to approve: a)
Model School Pay Policy 2021/22 to commend to Governing Bodies for adoption
within schools in Ceredigion b)
Model Unattached Teacher Pay Policy for centrally employed teachers. |
Minutes: Councillor Ray
Quant, Cabinet Member for Legal and Governance, People and Organisation and
Democratic Services presented the report noting that since publishing the Council agenda on Thursday 24 February, the 2021/22
Pay Awards for Chief Executive, Chief Officers, Soulbury
and NJC staff have been agreed, and a report has been published as an Addendum
in order for the Council to consider the most up to date version of the Pay
Policy for 2022-23. It was noted that: -
The NJC Spinal Column Point 1 was increased by
2.75% and all other spinal column points by 1.75% and back-dates to 1 April
2021. -
The national pay award for Chief Executives and
Chief Officers has been agreed at 1.5% and backdated to 1 April 2021. -
national pay award for Soulbury Committee has been
agreed at 1.75% and backdated to 1 September 2021. -
severance package for a Chief Officer must be approved by Full Council. -
who leave the Council under an efficiency scheme (voluntary redundancy, early
retirement or severance) will not be permitted to return to employment with the
Council for a period of 2 years, apart from exceptional circumstances and only
where approved by the relevant Corporate Director and Corporate Lead Officer -
People & Organisation. -
Officers who leave the Council under an efficiency scheme (voluntary
redundancy, early retirement or severance) will not normally be permitted to
return to employment with the Council, or as an agency worker or on a
consultancy basis, apart from exceptional circumstances and only where approved
by Chief Executive and Cabinet Member for Legal & Governance, People &
Organisation and Democratic Services. It was also noted that negotiations for 2022-23 have not started yet. Following a vote, it was RESOLVED to approve the Pay Policy for 2022/23. |