Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 5th July, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

No. Item




i.      James Starbuck, Corporate Director apologised for his inability to attend the meeting.

ii.     Sian Howys, Corporate Lead Officer: Porth Cynnal apologised for her inability to attend the meeting.



Personal matters


i.      Condolences were extended to Councillor Sian Maehrlein and her family on the loss of her daughter.

ii.     Condolences were expressed to Rowland Rees-Evans, High Sherriff of Dyfed (and former Councillor) and his family on the recent loss of his father.

iii.    Condolences were also extended to the family of Cen Llwyd, who passed away recently.

iv.   Congratulations were extended to all who participated in the recent Queen’s Baton Relay on its journey through Ceredigion.  

v.     Congratulations were extended to Dr Daniel Huws of Penrhyncoch on the completion of A Repertory of Welsh Manuscripts and Scribes c.800 – c.1800.

vi.   Congratulations were extended to Plas Gogerddan Nursery, who won the Nursery of the Year Award in Wales in the National Day Nurseries Association Awards held recently.

vii.  Congratulations were extended to Gareth Thomas on representing Wales against South Africa in rugby recently.

viii. Congratulations were also extended to all businesses who were shortlisted for the Wales StartUp Awards 2022 held recently. Devil’s Bridge Rum was awarded the Food and Drink StartUp of the year.



Disclosure of Personal/ Prejudicial Interests


There were no disclosures of personal/prejudicial interests.



To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet and any matters arising from those Minutes pdf icon PDF 194 KB


To confirm as a true record the Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Cabinet held on 7 June 2022.


Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes.</AI4>



Any petitions received




Reports of any decisions (if any) having been called in from Overview and Scrutiny Committee




Any feedback from Overview and Scrutiny Committee not otherwise on the agenda




To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Policy, Performance and Public Protection upon the Talking, Listening and Working Together - Draft Engagement and Participation Policy pdf icon PDF 456 KB



To agree the Draft Engagement and Participation Policy and approve that it can go out to public consultation over the summer of 2022.


Reason for the decision:

Our current Community Engagement Policy dates from 2012 and needs to be replaced to take account of new methods of engagement and recent legislation and guidance. There is also a need to take account of the increasing use of digital engagement.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Policy, Performance and Public Protection upon the Proposal to Increase Hackney Carriage Fare Tariffs pdf icon PDF 650 KB



1.    To accept the set of fares proposed by the taxi trade (Proposal A).

2.    To agree, in accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, that any proposed fares be publicly advertised for the statutory fourteen-day public consultation period.

3.    If no objections are received, the fare tariff (Proposal A) shall come into effect immediately.


Reason for the decision:

        To review and consider varying the hackney carriage fares due to the increase in fuel prices and the cost of living.

        To vary hackney carriage fares in accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

        To allow the new proposed fares to be publicly advertised.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools and Culture upon the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) 2022-2027 pdf icon PDF 5 MB



To approve the findings of the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2022-2027 and approve the Action plan and any subsequent Task & Finish Groups to address areas of insufficiency identified in the report. Including:


        To take into account any Childcare needs in development of new or existing school premises.

        To take into account Childcare provision in any existing and new planning developments.

        Acknowledge that Childcare providers form part of the foundational economy of Ceredigion.


Reason for the decision:

To fulfil our duty as a Local Authority to undertake a full Childcare Sufficiency Assessment every 5 years in line with the Statutory Childcare Guidance 2016 and keep the assessment under review through annual reporting to Welsh Government.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Schools and Culture upon LA Representative on Governing Bodies pdf icon PDF 140 KB



To confirm the nomination outlined in the report as LA representatives on the Governing Bodies of the relevant School.


Reason for the decision:

To nominate representatives of the LA on Governing Bodies.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cymorth Cynnar upon the Ceredigion Play Sufficiency Assessment 2022 pdf icon PDF 1 MB



To endorse the Ceredigion Play Sufficiency Assessment 2022 including the proposed priorities for the Play Action Plan 2022-2025, provided that any new appointment resulting from the Action Plan is subject to a business case which receives the approval of the Council's chief officers in the same way as all other posts.


Reason for the decision:

To enable the local authority to meet its obligations Under section 11(1) of the Children’s and Families Wales Measure 2010 in relation to Play Opportunities.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Democratic Services upon the Welsh Language Standards Monitoring Report April 2021 - March 2022 pdf icon PDF 2 MB



        To approve the Ceredigion County Council Annual Welsh Language Standards Report (2021-22).

        To approve that the Welsh Language Standards report is published on the Council’s website in accordance with the statutory requirement.


Reason for the decision:

Statutory duty under the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Corporate Bonds and Sureties Policy including feedback from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 724 KB

Additional documents:



(i)             A bond received in cash is the Council’s preference.

(ii)            A bond which is secured by a third party requires the third party to have a credit rating Moody’s of A3 or a credit rating with Standard & Poor’s or Fitch of A-.

(iii)          To approve the Bonds and Sureties policy (Appendix 1).

(iv)          To note the feedback from the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee; however, Cabinet did not support the recommendation to maintain a list of persons eligible to be a bondsman


Reason for the decision:

To ensure that bonds can be easily accessed and utilised if necessary and that bonds secured with third parties are only entered into with third parties with high credit ratings to protect the Council’s position.



To consider the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Latest 3 Year Capital Programme - 2022/23 to 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 189 KB



To approve the revised 3 Year Capital Programme for 2022/23 to 2024/25, as outlined in Appendix A.


Reason for the decision:

To approve the latest 3 year Capital Programme.



To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Treasury Management Performance for 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 219 KB


Cabinet noted the report.



To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Capital Programme Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 222 KB


Cabinet noted the report.



To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Finance and Procurement upon the Grants Awarded under the Ceredigion Community Grants Scheme / Welsh Church Fund pdf icon PDF 229 KB


Cabinet noted the report.



To note the report of the Corporate Lead Officer for Porth Cynnal upon the CYSUR/CWMPAS Combined Local Operational Group Safeguarding Report Qtr 3 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Cabinet noted the report.



Any other matter the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Cabinet

