Venue: ZOOM
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillor Paul Hine apologised for his inability to attend the meeting due to being on other Council business. |
Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct. In addition, Members must declare any prohibited party whip which the Member has been given in relation to the meeting as per the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. Minutes: Councillor Elaine Evans declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 3 and withdrew from the meeting. |
Independent Reviewing Service Performance Management Report 1.10.2020 - 21.12.2020 PDF 678 KB Minutes: The Corporate Lead Officer Porth Cynnal presented the independent Reviewing Service Report
Quarter 3 2020/2021. Quarterly reports
are taken to the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part
of an ongoing examination of the topic to ensure that the Local Authority fulfills its duties as the Corporate Parent. The report included national and local
standards and targets used to measure outcomes for looked after children and
care leavers at the time of their review meeting and includes Welsh Government Performance Indicators. On the basis of the information
available and the views expressed during the review meeting, the IRO makes a
professional judgement about the effectiveness of a child/young person’s care
plan in meeting their needs and may recommend changes to the care plan. During the review meeting the IRO considers
whether the child/young person requires assistance to identify relevant other
people to obtain legal advice/take proceedings on their behalf. This action was not deemed necessary by the IRO for any
child in the period. In addition, the IRO has regard as to whether the
child/young person’s human rights are being breached
in any way and, if so, might make a referral to CAFCASS Cymru.
This action was not required at any of the review meetings in the period. These reports are considered within Multi
Agency LAC Quality Assurance Meetings which meet on a
quarterly basis; these meetings provide an opportunity to identify and act upon
performance and other issues in relation to this area of work. These reports are also circulated and reviewed by Local
Authority’s Corporate Parenting Group which is Chaired
by Cllr Alun Williams, Cabinet Member for Children Services and Culture these
meetings take place on a quarterly basis. Members questioned if patterns could be
identified in towns in comparison to rural areas, and how our age
profile compared with other Authorities.
The CLO responded that there was no distinction between town and rural
areas and that it was often down to family dynamics. The age profile within Ceredigion is what is
to be expected. There is a greater
proportion of younger children due to their vulnerability and higher level of
care needs. The Cabinet Member assured the Committee that there were
reasonable explanations as to why 8 targets were not
achieved during this quarter. These
included staff numbers, and missed dentist appointments were due to dentists
being closed for a significant period of time because
of Covid-19. It was highlighted that there are a
shortage of foster carers within the County and that anyone suitable should be
encouraged to apply. Following questions by the Members of the Committee it was agreed to note the contents of the report and the levels of activity within the Local Authority. |
Minutes: Representatives from the Healthier Communities Overview and
Scrutiny Committee observed the meeting of the Mid Wales Joint Committee for
Health and Care on 25 May 2021. The Key points from the Mid Wales Joint
Committee for Health and Care meeting were highlighted
to the Committee. The majority were
Covid-19 related. A matter of grave concern was that there are now 30,000 people on the
Hywel Dda waiting list. The following questions had been raised by Members: Question: Concern that
patients were unable to see their family doctors. In some instances
they are only able to receive an assessment over the telephone. How will this situation be
improved? Response Dr Sion James, Deputy Medical Director – Primary Care &
Community Services, Hywel Dda University Health Board Most GP practices are still operating a triage model for
Primary Care appointments where patients access services via telephone or email
in the first instance. Practices have to
balance the difficulties of social distancing in order to keep patients safe
with the need to ensure face to face appointments
where needed. A clinician will therefore
agree with the patient on the most appropriate outcome for them following
telephone triage. This may be a remote
consultation, signposting to another service or a face to
face appointment with a clinician.
If a patient feels they have difficulty in accessing services at their
practice, then we would encourage them to contact the Hywel Dda
University Health Board Concerns team on 0300 0200 159. Patients should expect that access models will change to
make more use of digital and remote consultations as part of the future model
but that those patients that need to be seen face to face will be. Question A number of people are asking will they require an annual
vaccine to protect them from new variants of COVID 19? This raises concern with individuals after
hearing of the deaths from the Delta variant.
How are you preparing for this? Response Jo McCarthy, Deputy Director of Public Health / Consultant
in Public Health Medicine, Hywel Dda Public Health
Team on behalf of Ros Jervis, Director of Public
Health, Hywel Dda University Health Board We are waiting for a national steer on whether the COVID-19
vaccination programme will be annual, and for whom. At the moment we are
preparing for a number of scenarios, including - Annual
vaccination for the whole Hywel Dda UHB population,
given with flu vaccines (if this is approved) - Annual
vaccination for the whole Hywel Dda UHB population,
given at least 7 days - Annual
vaccination for those most at risk (JCVI groups 1-9) separately and with flu
vaccines - Different
possible timelines for boosters, including the possibility of 6 monthly-3 yearly boosters The Health Board is well prepared for many scenarios as we
have 7 active mass vaccination sites and a good
relationship with primary care around delivery It is very difficult for us to offer anything more concrete at the moment while we do not know what the ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Minutes: It was AGREED to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 8 March 2021 and 18 March 2021. |
To consider the Committee's Forward Work Plan 2021-2022 PDF 188 KB Minutes: It was AGREED to note the Forward
Work Programme presented subject to the following:- • The tipping
of waste down drains is included in the flytipping
report on 22 September • The report on
Pest Control includes staffing provision • A report on Lampeter Leisure Centre in the September meeting • A report on dementia provision in the October meeting. |