Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference
Contact: Nia Jones
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: None. |
Disclosure of personal / prejudicial interests Minutes: None. |
To consider the Minutes of the previous meeting and to consider any matters arising PDF 67 KB Minutes: It was RESOLVED to confirm as true the minutes of the
meeting held 24 March 2023. Matters arising Members requested training on downloading Office 365 to
personal devices, to include security and GDPR. |
To consider the Democratic Services Committee Annual Report 2022 - 2023 PDF 6 MB Minutes: Lowri Edwards, Corporate Lead Officer, Democratic Services
presented the report to the Committee, noting that the report is representative
of the amount of work carried out by this Committee, and the importance of the
work that they do. Members thanked officers for preparing the report, noting
that the revised format makes it much easier to read the report. The report will now be presented to Council on 13 July 2023 for information. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Nia Jones, Corporate Manager, Democratic Services presented
the report to the Committee, noting that the draft protocol has been created to
reflect the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 and the Welsh
Government Draft Statutory and Non-Statutory Guidance. It was noted that
this is an active document which may need to be adapted to reflect any changes
to the Welsh Government Guidance and operational developments. Members noted that the protocol does not require that Chairs
are present in the Council Chamber, and it was noted that the regulations allow
every Member to choose their mode of attendance. Members also asked regarding the practicalities of keeping
their cameras switched on at all times when they may have limited internet
access and asked whether all Councillors, including those that are not
Committee Members to remain as ‘Panellists’ throughout the meeting to avoid the
delay of being transferred on raising their hands. Members also noted the
importance of promoting public awareness and involvement, which could be
further enhanced within the document. It was noted that the protocol aims to reflect the practice
in person, where committee members normally sit around the Cabinet table, and
non-Members sit in the outer rows. It was also noted that training would
be provided to all Councillors, on the protocol to include training on meeting
etiquette previously requested by the Committee. It was also noted that supporting hybrid meeting, and the
live-streaming is extremely resource intensive, and that there are developments
underway to amend the current live-streaming processes. It was RESOLVED to recommend to Council the approval
of the Draft
Protocol for Attendance at Local Authority Multi-location Meetings and
Electronic Broadcasts of Meetings. |
To consider a report on a discussion paper for Multi-location Meetings PDF 107 KB Additional documents: Minutes: A report was presented to Committee, noting that this is a
discussion paper to seek the views of the Committee Members regarding an 18 month trial period where meetings for the Governance and
Audit Committee and the Democratic Services Committee are held on a remote only
basis. Members noted their support to the trial, stating that the
current hybrid approach to the Governance and Audit Committee is extremely
challenging to Members attending from the Council Chamber, due to the Chair
being in remote attendance. They also noted that in order that including
the Democratic Services Committee within the trial would provide them with an
excellent insight, and direct experience of the remote only method. Members noted that it should be clear that this is a trial
period, and that hybrid meetings will automatically resume after 18 months, subject
to this committee recommending to Council that it continues
and Council approves the arrangements. Officers noted that a report would
be presented to this committee to include feedback from both committees. It was RESOLVED to recommend the trial period for
remote only meetings for the Democratic Services Committee and the Governance
and Audit Committee to Council, at its meeting on 13 July 2023. |
To consider a report on a Member Development Strategy PDF 87 KB Additional documents: Minutes: A report was presented to the Committee noting that the
Welsh Government Draft Statutory and Non-Statutory Guidance states that
“Councils could put together a member development strategy”. It was noted that
this is not a statutory requirement, however a draft strategy has been prepared
reflecting the current practice already in place in Ceredigion. It was noted that the draft guidance provides a list of
subjects for an on-going training programme of member development which could
be included, and that it is recommended that Ceredigion County Council include
the additional subjects within its training programme: ·
Training on specific roles members may undertake such as governors or
representatives on health boards, fire and rescue authorities or national parks
including a short brief on the purpose of the role and the member’s
responsibilities in keeping the council appraised of developments on the body
that they are representing the council on, the level of decision making that is
delegated to them and how they may access assistance to support them in the
role; ·
Training on the role of the councillor as a local member, the delegation
of functions to ward members and councillor calls for action. Members noted that the training
for representatives on various external bodies would need to have a focus on
the role of the Councillor as a representative of the Council. It was RESOLVED to a) Approve
the addition of the 2 additional items to the induction programme as noted above; and b) To
recommend that Council approve the Member Development Strategy. |
To consider a report on Councillors' 'Calls for Action' PDF 62 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Nia Jones, Corporate Manager, Democratic Services presented
the report to the committee noting the historical background to the ‘Call for
Action’ legislation. It was noted that this is not currently reflected in the
Council’s Constitution, and that the aim of this protocol was to highlight this
course of action to Members, noting that this does not supersede the current
arrangements in relation to scrutiny and that a proforma for presenting ‘Calls
for Action’ has been prepared to assist Members through the process. Members noted that this action should be seen as a last
resort, and that it is an important mechanism where all other attempts have
failed. It was RESOLVED to recommend the protocol for
consideration by Council following consideration by the Constitution Working
group. |
To consider a report on Chair Announcements PDF 71 KB Additional documents: Minutes: A report was presented to the committee noting that the
recommendation had initially been put forward by the Group Leaders. It was
noted that there are current inconsistencies with regards to items presented
during the Council’s ‘Personal Matters’ agenda item and that a survey of all
Authorities in Wales had found that the Council’s current practice is not
reflected elsewhere and that the practice was to have ‘Chair’s Announcements’
rather than ‘Personal Matters’. Councillor Elizabeth Evans, Chair of the Committee noted
that during previous meetings of the Council, more time had been allocated to
presenting personal matters than that of discussion on important matters such
as the Council’s budget. Members noted that it is important that the
Councillors voice is not lost, however the proposed change would ensure greater
fairness, and it was recommended that the Chair’s Announcements stipulates the
relevant Councillor and Ward. It was RESOLVED to recommend that Council approve the
Chair’s Announcements, stipulating the inclusion of the relevant Councillor and
Ward. |
To consider a report on The Jo Cox Commission on Civility PDF 62 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the correspondence received from
the Jo Cox Civility Commission, and it was RESOLVED to ask that Lowri
Edwards writes to the Commission to offer our support and readiness to be
involved in the information gathering stage. |
To consider items for the forward work programme Minutes: Members discussed items for the Forward Work Programme,
which included the following: a) A
Protocol on Councillor Wellbeing and Personal Safety; b) Guidance
for Multi-Member Ward representatives; c) A
Protocol for research facilities; d) A
revision to the Committee’s Terms of Reference; and e) A
review of the broadcasting of additional meetings. It was noted that the above matters are reflective of the
Welsh Government Statutory and Non-Statutory guidance, and it was agreed to
bring forward the next meeting of the Democratic Services Committee from 7
December to 20 September 2023 to consider these matters. |
Any other matter which the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Committee Minutes: None. |