Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference
Contact: Lisa Evans Dwynwen Jones
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the previous Chair,
Councillor Keith Evans for his work during the past two years and for his
continued support and mentoring.
Councillor Keith Evans thanked the Committee Members for their support
and wished Councillor Wyn Evans well as the new Chair. Hazel
Lloyd-Lubran, Chief Executive of CAVO and Chair of
the Public Services Board (OSB) apologised for being unable to attend the
meeting. |
Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct. In addition, Members must declare any prohibited party whip which the Member has been given in relation to the meeting as per the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 Minutes: None. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Following a request, agenda item 10 was considered as the first agenda
item to accommodate Officers who would be late attending the meeting. All Committee Members agreed to this. It was AGREED
to confirm the minutes of the 21st of March 2024 Committee meeting
as a true record. There were no matters arising from those minutes. |
Ceredigion Public Services Board (PSB) meeting held on the 4th of March 2024 PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed, Diana Davies and Timothy
Bray, Officers, to the meeting to present the Minutes of the Public Services
Board meeting. . Under
Section 35 of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, Local
Authorities are required to ensure their Overview and Scrutiny Committees have
the power to scrutinise decisions made, or other action taken, by the Public
Services Board for the Local Authority area in the exercise of its functions. Main points
arising from discussion as follows: · Committee Members
expressed disappointment in that they believe ARFOR is no longer accepting
funding applications. It was agreed that Timothy Bray would raise this at the
PSB meeting 18th of July 2024. Following
discussion, Committee Members were asked to consider the following
recommendation: Recommendation(s): i. To receive the draft minutes of the Ceredigion
PSB meeting held on 4th of March 2024. Reasons for decision: For the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee to carry out
their role of taking an overview of the overall effectiveness of the PSB. Committee Members agreed to receive the draft minutes of the
Ceredigion PSB meeting held on the 4th of March 2024. The Chair thanked Officers for attending and presenting the
information. |
Community Safety Partnership: Ceredigion Community Safety Strategy 2024 PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Timothy Bray,
Partnerships and Civil Contingencies Manager, was welcomed to the meeting to
present the report. The current situation was explained by Mr Bray. Main points
arising from discussion as follows: · Concerns were raised
with the current discussions of prisoners being released early, this will no
doubt affect the Probation Service, has this affected the CSP? In response, it
was confirmed that it will affect the CSP but no
discussions have been held to date as there hasn’t been a meeting since the
announcement was made. · Referring to page 11 of the Community Safety Strategy, it is
noted that 61% of respondents to the Well-being survey (that informed the
Assessment of Local Well-being) identified feeling safe in their own home was
what they valued most about their community.
Concerns were raised as this could mean that 39% did not feel safe in
their own home. It was confirmed that reassuring the public will be a crucial
element of the CSP’s work going forward. Following
discussion, Committee Members were asked to consider the following
recommendation: Recommendation/s: To note the contents of the Ceredigion 2024 Community Safety Strategy and
Plan on a Page. Reason for Recommendation(s): Committee Members
agreed to note the contents of the Ceredigion 2024 Community Safety Strategy
and Plan on a Page. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members of the
Coordinating Committee considered a report presented by Timothy Bray on Serious
Violence Duty: Dyfed Powys Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment and
Strategy as the designated Scrutiny Committee for taking an overview of the
overall effectiveness of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP). The Serious
Violence Duty commenced in January 2023 and an introductory paper was presented
to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 22nd May 2023 and then presented to
Cabinet on 6th June 2023, to highlight the implications of the duty for the
Council, and to formalise responsibility for the work and partnership
arrangements. The partnership structure used in Dyfed Powys to undertake the
governance requirements of the Serious Violence Duty is the ‘Strategic Serious
Violence & Organised Crime (SVOC) Board, attended by officers from the
Council. Main matters
arising from discussion as follows: ·
was raised regarding funding and the areas within the County that will benefit
priority focusing. It was suggested and
agreed that once plans are in place, officers would return with information on
which areas will be focussed on. Following
discussion, Committee Members considered the following recommendation: Recommendation(s): That the Committee i.
note the findings of the Dyfed Powys Serious Violence Strategic Needs
Assessment. ii.
ii. To note the Dyfed Powys Serious Violence
Strategy. Reason for Recommendation(s): For the Overview
and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee to carry out their role of taking an
overview of the overall effectiveness of the CSP. Committee Members agreed to note the content of the report and the
Chair thanked Timothy Bray for attending and presenting the reports. |
CYSUR/CWMPAS Combined Local Operational Group Safeguarding Report Qtr 3 2023/24 PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Alun Williams, Cabinet Member and
Elizabeth Upcott, Corporate Manager, were welcomed to the meeting to present
the CYSUR/CWMPAS quarter 3 report. Summary of key points were as follows: ➢ In Quarter 3, there was a very slight decrease in the number of
contacts/reports received regarding children/young people compared to Quarter
2-with there being 926 contacts/reports received in Q3 compared to 928
contacts/reports received in Q2. ➢ However, although there was a decrease in the number of
contacts/reports received in Quarter 3, there was a large increase in the
overall number of contacts/reports which proceeded to actions needing to be
taken under Child Protection Procedures, from 132 in Q2 to 179 in Quarter 3. 2 ➢ Of the reports received, the percentage of referrals that proceeded to
a Strategy Discussion was 19.3% in this quarter, compared to 14.2% in Quarter 2
and compared to 19.4% in Q1. ➢ In Q3, 9.6% proceeded to a Section 47 enquiry compared to 5.9% in
Quarter 2 and this compares to 8.8% in Q1. ➢ In relation to those that proceeded to an Initial Child Protection
Conference, there were 1.3% that proceeded to an ICPC in Q 3 compared to 0.9%
in Q2, and 0.7% in Q1. ➢ Therefore, unfortunately, the number of cases that have had to proceed
to action being undertaken under Child Protection Procedures is back to the
same level that existed in Quarter 1. ➢ The total number of children subject to an Initial Child Protection
Conference has increased to 17 in this quarter compared to 16 in Quarter 2 and
10 in Q1. ➢ The total number of children placed on the Child Protection Register in
this quarter following the Initial Child Protection Conference is 16 compared
to 10 in Quarter 2. ➢ The total number of children removed after Review Child Protection
Conferences were 21 in this quarter compared to 22 in the last quarter. ➢ At the end of this quarter, there were 33 children/young people
registered on the Child Protection Register compared to 40 at the end of
Quarter 2 and 52 as at the end of Quarter 1. Therefore, there is a steady
decrease in the number of children who are on the register. ➢ There was a considerable increase in the number of reports that have
been received from both the Police and internal Social Services staff. However,
the largest source of referrals during the quarter were received from schools
who also recorded a significant increase in safeguarding concerns. ➢ The total number of Section 47 enquiries undertaken has increased in
this quarter also, with 89 being undertaken in Quarter 3 compared with 55
undertaken in Quarter 2. 74 were undertaken jointly with Police in this quarter
and 15 were undertaken as a Social Services Single Agency. ➢ The main categories of abuse which led to a Section 47 enquiries being
undertaken in quarter 3 were allegations of physical abuse and sexual
abuse/exploitation as was the case in both Quarters 1 and 2. ➢ The area that remains an issue of concern in this quarter was the fact ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Each Chair in turn
gave an update on their respective Committee’s Forward Work Plans.
During discussion, it was agreed to add the following to the Work Plans: Corporate Resources: Update on the sale of Bodlondeb. Update on the Financial situation will be considered at each Overview
and Scrutiny Committee during the Autumn. Alun Williams, Corporate Lead Officer, attended the meeting to refer 4
items from the Corporate Risk Register discussed at a Governance and Audit
Committee meeting held 16th of July 2024. Items recorded on the risk
register as follows: 1. R025:
(new risk added 16.7.24) Fire Safety & Protection Measures in Council
Properties, was identified for potential escalation to the Corporate Risk
Register. It concerns the issue of volume and cost of works needed in Council
owned buildings to comply with the latest fire regulations and more robust
approach from the Fire and Rescue Authority, 2. R009:
Information Management – Security, 3. R023:
System End of Life, 4. R024:
Cyber Resilience. These would come under the Corporate Resources Committee remit and
Dwynwen Jones, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, advised the Committee that R023
has been placed on the Committee’s Forward Work Plan to be considered on the 8th
of October 2024. The others she will
discuss with the Chair and the relevant Officers. 12 Any other matter which the Chairman decided
is for urgent attention of the Committee None |