Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Wednesday, 9th February, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: held remotely via video-conference

Contact: Mrs Dana Jones 

No. Item


Personal Matters


      The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.






Councillor Gwyn James apologised for his inability to attend the meeting.


Councillor Rhodri Evans and Dai Mason stated that they would be leaving the meeting early due to other commitments.




Disclosures of personal interest/prejudicial interest




To consider the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 12 January 2022 pdf icon PDF 219 KB


It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the 12 January 2022.


Matters arising




To consider planning applications deferred at previous Meetings of the Committee pdf icon PDF 749 KB


Consideration was given to the Report of the Corporate Lead Officer – Economy and Regeneration on the following planning applications which had been considered at a previous meeting and which required further consideration by the Committee:-



A210615 Proposed building plot for one dwelling along with a new access to the    highway, Plot Adj Dolau Gwyn, Dole, Bow Street, Aberystwyth


To DEFER determination of the application, subject to a completion of a Section 106 for an affordable dwelling, receipt of Flood Consequence Assessment from NRW and agreement on reduced size of the dwelling, the Corporate Lead Officer – Economy and Regeneration be authorised to APPROVE the application, if the applicant was in agreement with the conditions, and REFUSE if an agreement could not be reached



 A210722 Proposed Retirement Bungalow, Bayview Garage, Parcllyn, Cardigan


To DEFER determination of the application for one month to consider further information submitted by the applicant since the last meeting; as all Officers and all Members had not had sight of this, also to submit at the request of the Corporate Lead Officer- Economy and Regeneration from the applicant and agent by Friday the correct information they wish for the Officers, Task and Finish Group and subsequently the Committee to consider in their application due to conflicting information provided at this meeting and the previous meeting .



Development, Advertisement, Local Authority and Statutory Applications pdf icon PDF 749 KB



Consideration was given to the Report of the Corporate Lead Officer

Economy and Regeneration upon development, advertisement; local

authority and statutory planning Applications:-


A210966 Conversion of two existing barns to holiday let accommodation (Change of Use) and retention of work undertaken to date and completion together with provision of external parking area in farmyard to serve units, Pengarreg Farm, Llanilar, Aberystwyth


To note that the application had been WITHDRAWN .






A210997 Retention of 2no. holiday let timber lodges and

highway improvements to provide access lane to site including 2 passing bays, with junction improvements.Pengarreg Farm, Llanilar, Aberystwyth



To note that the application had been WITHDRAWN.




Planning applications dealt with by way of delegated authority pdf icon PDF 741 KB


It was RESOLVED to note the schedule of planning applications dealt with the Report of the Corporate Lead Officer – Economy and Regeneration.



Appeals pdf icon PDF 2 MB




Any other matter which the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Committee