Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Wednesday, 8th March, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

Contact: Mrs Dana Jones 

No. Item


Personal Matters


The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.




Councillor Marc Davies apologised for his inability to attend the meeting.


Disclosures of personal interest/prejudicial interest




To consider the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 08 February 2023 pdf icon PDF 98 KB


It was RESOLVED to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of 08 February 2023


Matters arising

Item 5-  A220511 Erection of an affordable dwelling, Lleine, Ferwig, Cardigan- The Corporate Lead Officer -Economy and Regeneration reported that a letter had been received in the last two days from Welsh Government that directs the Council not to grant planning permission without prior authorisation of the Welsh Ministers. It was noted that decisions made on applications that were called in would be reported under item 8, Appeals when received.


To consider planning applications deferred at previous Meetings of the Committee pdf icon PDF 675 KB


Consideration was given to the Report of the Corporate Lead Officer – Economy and Regeneration on the following planning applications which had been considered at a previous meeting and which required further consideration by the Committee:-


A200553 Erection of a managers Dwelling, Land Adjacent To Nantllan Business Park, Clarach, Aberystwyth


To REFUSE the application for the following reaons:-

1.The application site lies in the open countryside, outside of an established settlement, where there is a general presumption against new residential development unless it constitutes a specific exception prescribed by planning policy. The proposal as it stands does not fall within any such exception and is therefore considered to be contrary to the provisions of Planning Policy Wales, Technical Advice Note 6 and policies S01 and S04 of the Ceredigion Local Development Plan.

2.It is the opinion of the Local Planning Authority that the provision of a single, large dwelling in a fairly prominent location detached from any nearby buildings will detrimentally impact the character of the area, constituting an incongruous addition on the landscape. The proposal is contrary to policies DM06 and DM17 of the Local Development Plan.



A220097 Erection of a pair of semi detatched houses,Isfryn, Talsarn Lampeter


To REFUSE the application for the following reason:


The proposal is contrary to both national and local planning policies and guidance, which seek to protect the open countryside from unsustainable and unjustified new residential development, specifically policy S04 of the LDP and PPW.






Development, Advertisement, Local Authority and Statutory Applications pdf icon PDF 664 KB


Consideration was given to the Report of the Corporate Lead Officer

Economy and Regeneration upon development, advertisement; local

authority and statutory planning Applications:-


Mr Peter Jones (applicant) addressed the Committee in accordance with the Operational procedure for Members of the Public addressing the Development Management Committee    


A210757 Proposed horsebox fabrication building, to include installation of vehicular access and package treatment plant, Land Adjacent B4338, from junction with C1279 and junction with C1060, Llanybydder   


To REFER the application to the Site Inspection Panel in accordance with Paragraph 5 of the Council’s adopted criteria and to DEFER the application to allow further time or a ‘cooling off’ period to consider the points raised by Members, to include consideration to existing and alternative sites for the business in order to alleviate any potential risks, if the Committee was mindful in approving the application when reconsidered by the committee.










Planning applications dealt with by way of delegated authority pdf icon PDF 664 KB


It was RESOLVED to note the schedule of planning applications dealt with the Report of the Corporate Lead Officer – Economy and Regeneration.


Appeals pdf icon PDF 1 MB


It was RESOLVED to note the schedule of planning applications dealt It was AGREED to note the appeals received.


Any other matter which the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Committee