Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference
Contact: Mrs Dana Jones
No. | Item | |
Apologies Minutes:
Personal Matters |
Disclosures of personal interest/prejudicial interest Minutes:
To consider the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 11 October 2023 PDF 97 KB Minutes: |
To consider planning applications deferred at previous Meetings of the Committee PDF 2 MB Minutes: Consideration was given to the Report of the Corporate Lead
Officer – Economy and Regeneration on the following planning applications which
had been considered at a previous meeting and which required further
consideration by the Committee:- A210757 Proposed horsebox fabrication building, to include
installation of vehicular access and package treatment plant, Land Adjacent
B4338, from junction with C1279 and junction with C1060, Llanybydder To APPROVE the application, subject to conditions. A recorded vote was taken in accordance with Part 4,
Document I of the Council’s Constitution due to the Committee’s decision being
contrary to the Officer recommendation and a significant departure from policy.
Councillor Gareth Lloyd proposed against the recommendation, and was seconded
by Councillor Rhodri Evans For the recommendation: Councillor Rhodri Davies (1) Against the recommendation: Councillors Meirion Davies, Raymond Evans, Rhodri Evans,
Chris James, Ceris Jones, Maldwyn Lewis and Gareth Lloyd (7) Abstaining: Councillor Marc Davies (1) Members did not agree with the recommendation of the
Officers and were of the opinion that the application
could be approved for the following reasons: - • The
application was within Policy S04: Development in ‘Linked Settlements and Other
Locations’- paragraph
3b. a site that has not been allocated and either: i. of a ‘small scale’ meeting a specific local need; or ii. accords with TAN 6 requirements in terms of a rural
enterprise. • The
application also was within Policy DM17, General Landscape, as it states that
development would be permitted provided that it does
not have a significant adverse effect on the qualities and special character of
the visual, historic, geological, ecological or cultural landscapes and
seascapes of Ceredigion, the National Parks and surrounding area by: 1. causing significant visual intrusion;
2. being insensitively and unsympathetically sited within
the landscape; 3. introducing or intensifying a use which is incompatible
with its location; 4. failing to harmonise with, or enhance the landform and landscape; and /or 5. losing or failing to incorporate important traditional
features, patterns, structures and layout of
settlements and landscapes. Where possible development should enhance these qualities
and special character • Approval of
the application would support a local business and the economy of Ceredigion in line with policy S02 and S03 • All other
sites for the business had been considered and exhausted with the sequential
test and this land was only suitable for the applicant • The current
plan was not suitable for Ceredigion as a rural county Members of the Development Management Committee were
reminded of the fact that a direction had been received from the Minister for
Climate Change under Article 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Development
Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012. The direction prevents the Council from granting planning
permission in respect of planning application A210757, without the prior
authorisation of the Welsh Ministers. Consequently, the Council must now await the Welsh
Ministers’ decision on whether the application was being called in before any
planning permission could be issued by the Council. _________________________________________________________________ A220638, Phase 4 - Erection of ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Development, Advertisement, Local Authority and Statutory Applications PDF 2 MB Minutes:
Planning applications dealt with by way of delegated authority PDF 2 MB Minutes: |
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note the appeals received. |
Any other matter which the Chairman decides is for the urgent attention of the Committee |