Agenda and draft minutes

Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 23rd September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference

Contact: Dwynwen Jones 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


Councillor Ceris Jones together apologised for her inability to attend the  meeting. The Chair congratulated her on the birth of her second son.



Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council's Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct. In addition, Members must declare any prohibited party whip which the Member has been given in relation to the meeting as per the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011.






It was agreed that item 4 and 5 on the agenda be considered first.


Oversight of in year Financial matters pdf icon PDF 594 KB


Consideration was given to the Oversight of in year Financial matters. The Corporate Lead Officer, Finance and Procurement stated as Members were aware the 24/25 Budget setting process was a challenging one which included c 70 Budget Reduction proposals being approved totalling c£5.8m. Progress in delivering these Budget Reduction is reviewed and monitored by Leadership Group at the end of every month.


During the year, it was intended to provide individual Overview & Scrutiny

Committees with the following information:

• The latest quarterly financial position as reported to Cabinet (to include the

latest BRAG status position on the 24/25 Budget Reductions)

• This would  include both Revenue and Capital Financial Monitoring reports.


This information would enable the Committee to scrutinise the financial matters pertinent to the areas of Service falling within its remit. At any point during the year, the Committee may choose to explore any area of the Budget within its remit via the Forward Work programme.


Following questions from the floor, it was agreed to note the report for information and that an annual update report upon the Impact of the increased Council Tax Premiums on Second Homes and Long Term Empty Properties would be placed as an item on the Forward Work Programme.



Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/5 2027/28 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Consideration was given to the Medium Term Financial Strategy. The Corporate Lead Officer, Finance and Procurement reported that the Strategy was updated on an annual basis and should not be seen as a formal detailed budget or a tablet of stone. It instead provides an overarching approach that the Council will need to adopt in aiming to achieve its priorities, including taking account of the external legislative, economic environment and indicative projected spending pressures and funding over the period.


        The MTFS had therefore been refreshed and now covered 2024/25 to 2027/28. It includes an Executive Summary that covers the key matters contained within the detailed MTFS.


        Members attention was particularly drawn to:

  • Executive Summary Pages 2-4
  • The Council’s Budget Priorities and the link between the MTFS and the Corporate Strategy 2022 – 2027 and its associated Corporate Wellbeing Objectives Indicative Budget Cost Pressures Pages 21-22
  • Budget Gap scenarios looking at different levels of

indicative Council Tax and WG funding Page 29-31

Sensitivity Analysis of different Budget Variables Page 38

Appendices – Approved and Indicative Savings Page 40


Following consideration and feedback from Corporate Resources Scrutiny, the aim was to table the MTFS at Cabinet on 01/10/24 and then Full Council on 24/10/24.


Following discussion and questions from the floor, it was agreed to recommend to Cabinet and Full Council that the Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 -  2027/28 is approved.


A report upon the Income generated from Council buildings was also requested as an item on the Forward Work Programme as several buildings had been empty over a period of time.




Pre-decision scrutiny Aberaeron Library relocation pdf icon PDF 895 KB


Consideration was given to the Medium Term Consideration was given to a report following the public consultation held on the proposed relocation of Aberaeron Library.  The consultation key findings and response were attached to the report.  Councillor Catrin M S Davies, Cabinet Member presented the information.


Councillor M S Davies advised Committee Members that the proposal for relocation of the library into Penmorfa would:

  1. Deliver a new dedicated children’s area with an increased collection and improved opportunities to link with the primary school and the shared car parking to introduce a new generation to library benefits and lifelong learning.
  2. Increase in opening hours where library will be available to the public.
  3. Reduce CO2 footprint by moving to renewable energy sources, allowing the library community van to operate from the site, possibly as an electric vehicle (grant dependant) with increased hours to better support the community.
  4. Reduce duplication in customer service staff across the two buildings reducing costs and ensuring that the library hours are not significantly reduced.
  5. Coordinate Customer Contact in one location to reduce confusion.
  6. Improve collaboration and signposting between customer contact and library staff with the new independent living centre creating opportunities to better support independent living.
  7. Provide increased and improved equipment and facilities to better help support individuals with their personal development.
  8. Allow work and study opportunities currently not possible.
  9. Free up a historic town centre building to redevelop and provide new business premises at the heart of the town which potentially can generate greater footfall and economic benefits.


Or request that

• Cabinet to instruct officers to proceed with the closure of the library service at either Aberaeron or Lampeter to achieve the £70k savings required from the library service to achieve the corporate £5.8M savings target for 2024.


Following a lengthy discussion and questions from the floor, it was agreed to recommend that Cabinet DEFER the decision, for the following reasons:


(i)    Committee Members could undertake a site visit to County Hall, Aberaeron, and then a Special Corporate Resources O&S Committee meeting could be arranged following the site meeting, prior to making a further recommendation, and,

(ii)   that information was collated and shared with the Committee with regards to the effect of carbon footprint based on the travel of those who attend the library at County Hall, compared to Penmorfa.




To confirm minutes of the previous meeting and to consider any matters arising from those Minutes. pdf icon PDF 85 KB
