Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference
Contact: Lisa Evans
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: i.
John Roberts apologised for his inability to attend the meeting. ii.
Wyn Evans apologised that he would leave the meeting early. |
Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Minutes: There were no disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests (including whipping declarations) from Committee Members. |
Chair Announcements Minutes: None. |
Planning Enforcement Support Minutes: Councillor Clive Davies (Cabinet Member for Economy &
Regeneration) presented the report on the enforcement service resource support
requirements. He explained that the Local Planning Authority’s Enforcement
Service had been struggling for some time and in the past, attempts to recruit
have been unsuccessful, and combined roles were utilised across Development
Management (DM) and Enforcement team to fill this void. Unfortunately, due to
the high caseloads in DM and specialist, highly litigious nature of enforcement,
the situation has worsened. Audit Wales (AW) brought this to the local
authority’s attention in 2021 and again in 2023. Securing additional
third-party support through consultants has proved fruitless, with costs high
and cases closed low. As of 12/4/24 (start of Task and Finish work), the caseload
stood at 432 cases down from a peak of over 600 in the past two years.
Furthermore, there were approximately 250 ‘clic’
enquiries in need of responses. In the 2023/2024 financial year, the
enforcement service opened 116 cases and during the same period closed 220
cases. The need to support the enforcement service has been discussed at the
wider Planning Service Task and Finish group implemented post AW review.
Members and Officers in that group were of the view that in
order to ensure an effective enforcement service was delivered,
additional resources were required. It was highlighted that housebuilding directly supports 434
jobs locally and contributed in excess of £280,000 in
additional council tax per annum and an additional £1.7 million in household
spending in retail and leisure in the local economy. Dr Sarah Groves-Phillips, Corporate Manager provided an
overview of the 4 options as outlined in the report: ·
Platinum - A No Breach Allowed Approach ·
Gold - A Proactive Enforcement Service ·
Silver - A purposeful Enforcement Service ·
Bronze - The In-budget Enforcement Service (current
budget and capacity) She advised that it was important to be mindful that in all
the options outlined above, recruitment for enforcement roles was difficult and
there was a recognised national shortage. The risks associated with not
resourcing the service effectively were outlined. Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions
which were answered by Officers and Councillor Clive Davies. The main points
raised were as follows: ·
It was noted that there was a statutory duty to
provide enforcement service, but there was no legislation in place that
dictated the level of service required. Although the service was delegated to
Officers, it was suggested that the cases be shared with Members to enable
their input. Many Members felt strongly that it was time to invest in the
service due to the possible impact on the Council’s reputation and services.
Historically, the enforcement service was rated in the lowest 10 performing
local authorities across Wales. ·
Officers clarified that the report's figures
were based on gross figures, such as the cost of the service, and any
underlying costs, such as HR. Income assumptions had not been included. · Most planning fees were set by Welsh Government (WG), who were currently considering whether to increase ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Proposed Ceredigion County Council Off-Street Parking Places Order 2025 Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Keith Henson (Cabinet Member for Highways &
Environmental Services and Carbon Management) presented the report on the
responses to the consultation process on the proposals put forward to meet the
Council’s approved budget additional income requirement from the Council’s Off
Street Pay and Display Car Parks. He explained that the proposals related to Parking Places
managed under the auspices of the Ceredigion County Council Off Street Parking
Places Orders were presented to the Committee on 11/07/2024 and Cabinet
on 03/09/2024. Following the Cabinet’s decision to amend the proposals to
include exempting Blue Badge Holders from payment of Pay and Display parking
charges, which included amending the proposed charge structure to add an
additional 50p to each tariff, the revised proposals were subject to the
consultation process prescribed for Traffic Regulation Orders. This included a
Formal Consultation stage between 19/09/2024 and 11/10/2024 where the Statutory
Consultees were invited to comment on the proposals. Following
consideration of those responses in relation to the proposals presented, this
was then followed by a Public Notice period inviting objections to proposals
between 12/11/2024 and 04/12/2024. Rhodri Llwyd, Corporate Lead Officer provided a presentation
to the Committee outlining the following: ·
Background ·
Summary of Proposals ·
Scrutiny recommendations ·
Consultation ·
Considerations ·
Potential Considerations for the Committee Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions
which were answered by Officers and Councillor Keith Henson. The main points
raised were as follows: ·
Members supported the proposed charging
structure for the Council’s Off Street Pay and Display Car Parks across the two
different zones (Ceredigion Inland & Ceredigion Coastal) as there was a
significant difference between the areas.
Historically, Pendre
Carpark was for permit holders only, but during Covid-19, no permits were
issued. This had not yet been reverted to the historic arrangement and was
pending the decision of the Cabinet on 21.01.25. Gloster’s Row car park was
historically a pay and display car park. ·
Members suggested exploring options and having a
discussion with Theatr Mwldan, Cardigan about the
possibility of having a subsidised parking scheme in place for those using the
facility, similar to the arrangement at Sainsbury’s,
Lampeter. At present, the public could purchase season tickets for Bath House
car park, and this offer would continue. It was AGREED to note the content of the public
consultation, consider the proposals for the charging structure and Pendre and Gloster Row/Red Lion car parks based on the
consultation responses, and to support the package of proposals put forward. |
On-street Charged for Parking Proposals - Aberystwyth Promenade Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Keith Henson (Cabinet Member for Highways &
Environmental Services and Carbon Management) explained that the purpose of the
report was to report the responses to the consultation process to proposals to
introduce on-street charged for parking proposals along sections of Aberystwyth
promenade as requested by the Committee. Proposals related to proposals put forward pursuant to the
introduction of charged for parking along the Promenade in Aberystwyth were
presented to the Committee on 11/07/2024 and Cabinet on 03/09/2024. Following
the Cabinet’s decision, a Formal Consultation stage had been carried out
between 03/10/2024 and 25/10/2024 where the Statutory Consultees were invited
to comment on the proposals. Following consideration of those responses in
relation to the proposals presented, this was then followed by a Public Notice
period inviting objections to proposals between 04/12/2024 and 27/12/2024. Rhodri Llwyd, Corporate Lead Officer provided a presentation
to the Committee outlining the following: ·
Background ·
Enabling Legislation ·
Proposal ·
The Case for Change- Scheme Benefits ·
Arrangements for Blue Badge Holders ·
Charging Structure ·
Charging Times and Locations ·
Consultation ·
Considerations ·
Recommendations for the Committee Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions
which were answered by Officers and Councillor Keith Henson. The main points
raised were as follows: ·
Concerns were raised that the public notice
period was open during the festive period; Officers advised that the
consultation was open for over 3 weeks. Aberystwyth University was not a
statutory consultee in the formal consultation stage; however, the public
notice period was open to all and publicised widely. ·
Members suggested exploring options for
off-street parking permits in the future to support commuters impacted by the
proposal. Concerns were raised that many would try to find free parking in
town, which would impact on the flow of traffic in the town centre. It was noted that the season ticket had been
reduced from the current price to the equivalent of just under £25 per month
over 12 months and enabled holders to park in the local authority's off-street
car parks across the county. ·
Parking for the disabled was free of charge in
line with legislation. ·
It was noted that a hotel owner had raised
concerns with the 8am-8pm charging in place; Officers advised that this was
proposed to facilitate the nighttime economy and to generate a turnover. It was AGREED to note the content of the public consultation
and to support the package of proposals put forward. |
Oversight of in year financial matters Additional documents:
Minutes: Duncan Hall, Corporate Lead Officer provided an overview of
the 24/25 Controllable Revenue Budget - Financial Performance - Quarter 2
presented to the Cabinet on 03.12.24. At the time of writing the report, a
projected overspend was forecasted for the year of £313k on the Controllable
Budget. However, this excluded certain risks in relation to the delivery of in
year savings. An overview of the following as outlined in the report was
In relation to the BRAG Status on the 24/25 Budget
Reductions, two items (item 36b- Lampeter Library & item 70- Out of County
Placements) were categorised as red at the time of writing the report. Since
then, item 43 (charges for non-residential Care) has been changed to red as WG
had decided against increasing the weekly cap from £100 to £120. A grant worth
£62,500 had been received from WG to support the local authority for this
financial year due to this decision. An overview of the Budget Performance - Council
Tax and Budget Performance – Service Positions as presented in the report was
provided. As shared at a recent Members’ Workshop, the local authority had
received an additional £3m from WG for various items including pay pressures
and additional funding for Schools. From a Capital Programme perspective, Ysgol Dyffryn Aeron
opened its doors at the beginning of January. The Aberaeron Coastal Protection
scheme end date has been extended. Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions
which were answered by Duncan Hall. The main points raised were as follows: ·
It was noted that the investment in the Waste
Collection Service was an in-year cost and had been funded from reserves.
Longer-term investment to the service would be considered during the 25/26
budget-setting process. ·
Capital funding for a Highways Local Government
Borrowing Initiative was announced in WG’s Draft Budget 2025-26. Although there
were no further details, the local authority was estimated to receive £2.3m. It was AGREED to note the report and for the Committee to
scrutinise the information provided as it deems appropriate and relevant to the
areas under its remit. |
Report on the visit to the Aberaeron Coastal Defence Scheme Minutes: Consideration was given to the feedback following the
Committee’s visit to Aberaeron’s Coastal Defence Scheme on 29 November 2024. Committee Members thanked Officers and Contractors for an
informative visit to the site. Councillor Elizabeth Evans, Local Member for Aberaeron and Aberarth thanked the Committee for their visit and that she
would discuss any proposed changes to the scheme with the relevant Officers. Rhodri Llwyd, Corporate Lead Officer noted that a press
release outlining the revised completion dates had recently been published, and
there was continued discussion between Officers and Contractors regarding the
scheme and the contract itself. It was AGREED to note the report. |
Minutes: It was AGREED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on
23 October 2024. Matters arising: None.
To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: It was AGREED to note the contents of the Forward Work
Programme presented subject to the following: ·
Update on the Proposed Ceredigion County Council
Off-Street Parking Places Order 2025 following implementation ·
Update on On-street Charged for Parking
Proposals - Aberystwyth Promenade following implementation |