Venue: Hybrid - Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron / remotely via video conference
Contact: Lisa Evans
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: None. |
Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct. In addition, Members must declare any prohibited party whip which the Member has been given in relation to the meeting as per the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. Minutes: None. |
Off Street Pay and Display Car Park Review proposals June 2024 Minutes: Councillor Keith Henson, Cabinet Member outlined the report
upon the Off Street Pay and Display Car Park Review proposal June 2024 and Mr
Rhodri Llwyd, Corporate Lead Officer, Highways and Environmental Services
subsequently provided Members with a detailed power point presentation on the
Car park review proposals. The following information was provided:- • Background o Package of
proposals to meet income target o Need to be
considered /accepted in their entirety o Simplified
charges and arrangements o Failure to
meet target will mean further cuts to services/functions within HES • Changes to
Season Ticket Offering o Remove car
park specific season ticket options o Establish new
‘Ceredigion Long Stay Season Ticket’ * o *Establish new
‘North Road and Ceredigion Long Stay Season Ticket’ o Revised scale
of Charges for Season Tickets • Extend Maesyrafon Car Park o Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA) o S45-S46
enables the designation of charged for parking places on highways o Changes will
require the making of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which will be subject
to public consultation • Change
Designation of Gloster Row o Change the
designation to a Season Ticket car park o Small car park
with limited number of spaces o Access is
restricted due to its location o Predominantly
used by residents o Not cost
effective to install new P&D machine • Change
Designation of Pendre o Historically a
Permit Holder only car park o Better
utilised as a short stay P&D car park o Prime
location, near to main shopping areas o Provides level
access to those with limited mobility o Affords free
parking outside charging hours • Simplification
of Charges / Tariffs o All types of
vehicle paying the same rate in a car park o Two bands of
charging – coastal and inland o Standardised
tariffs in all* car parks 2, 4 and 24hrs o Removing
weekly ticket tariff options o Consistency of
all year and hours of charging • Reduce
Frequency of Changes to F&C o Currently
reviewed annually through F&C o Proposed to
change to a 3-year or 5-year review cycle o Reduction in
cost o Reduction in admininstration o Long term
consistency o Greater
certainty for customers o Period of
price stability • Change
Approach to Blue Badges o Currently free
parking only for specific criteria o Proposed to
change that blue badge holders receive an additional 1hr free on top of paid for parking o Aligns with
neighbouring Authorities o Easier to
communicate the position to users • Administrative/Housekeeping o Consolidate
all changes into one TRO o TRO will be
subject to public consultation o Proposals
considered as a single package Members thanked the Cabinet Member and Corporate Lead
Officer for a comprehensive report and following questions from the floor and
clarification on the proposals, it it was RESOLVED
that a recorded vote be taken and the voting was as follows: - For: Councillors Marc Davies, Gwyn Wigley Evans, Shelly Childs, Gethin Davies, Meirion Davies, Wyn Evans, Chris James, ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
On-street Charged for Parking Proposals - Aberystwyth Promenade Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Keith Henson, Cabinet Member outlined the report
upon the On-street Charges for Parking Proposals - Aberystwyth
Promenade and Mr Rhodri Llwyd. Corporate Lead Officer, Highways and
Environmental Services subsequently provided Members with a detailed power
point presentation on the proposals. The following information was provided:- • Background o Origins in
previous studies: o Aberystwyth
Masterplan: Transportation Statement 2006 o Capita Report
2016 o Strike a
balance between the needs of access to services, residents, businesses,
students and visitors to the town • Enabling
Legislation • Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA) • S45-S46
enables the designation of charged for parking places on highways • Changes will
require the making of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which will be subject
to public consultation • S55 of the
RTRA requires the LA to keep account of income and expenditure • Surplus may
be used for items such as: • Making good
deficits in the parking account • Meeting the
cost of off-street parking infrastructure • Public bus
services • Highway
improvements • Environmental
improvements • Proposal o The principle
for charging may not be popular or accepted by all o The proposal
provides for greater availability of parking by increasing turnover without
negatively impacting on the economy of the town or wellbeing of its residents • The Case for
Change – Scheme Benefits o Increased
on-street parking turnover o Anticipated
increased trade o Greater use of
public transport o Reduction in
traffic congestion o Improved
traffic flows o Greater levels
of active travel • Arrangements
for Blue Badge Holders o Blue Badge
holders would be: o exempt from
charges when parking in a charged for space o exempt from
any limit on maximum period of stay within a charged for space • Charging
Structure o £3.50 for 2hrs o £5.00 for 4hrs • Charging
Assumptions o Charging from
Castle Point to Constitution Hill o 8am to 8pm o Mon – Sun (7
days/week) o Options for
2hr or 4hr parking o Payment by
app/phone or by cashless P&D machines Following questions from the floor and clarification on the
proposals, the Chair requested any other amendments/proposals from the
Committee to recommend to Cabinet, however, none were forthcoming. It was
RESOLVED that a recorded vote be taken and the voting was as follows: - For: Councillors Chris James and Maldwyn Lewis (2) Against: Gwyn Wigley Evans, Shelly Childs, Gethin Davies,
Meirion Davies, Wyn Evans, Sian Maehrlein, John Roberts and Carl Worrall (8) Abstention: Councillor Marc Davies (1) It was therefore agreed not to support the proposals put forward in relation to the introduction of charged for parking along the Promenade in Aberystwyth. |
Winter Service Provision Minutes: Consideration was given to the Report upon the Winter
Service Provision in order to provide a comprehensive
review of the Winter Service to Members of the Committee. Mr Phil Jones,
Corporate Manager, Highway Services provided the following information by power
point presentation:- • The Legal
Position o Statutory duty
of highway authorities to maintain the highway by the insertion, after Section
41(1) of the Highways Act (1980). o It is not
reasonable either to: Provide the
service on all parts of the Network; Nor Ensure running surfaces are kept free of
ice or snow at all times, even
on the treated parts of the network, as far as is reasonable. • Returning to
what may be considered ‘reasonable’. When comparing the percentage of the
county road network which was pretreated in advance of forecasted ice and/or
snow by our neighbouring authority areas, Ceredigion was circa 20% whilst
Pembrokeshire was 19%; Powys was 19%; and Carmarthenshire was 22%. • Review
2024-25 The proposed update in advance of the 2024-25 Winter Season
would need to align with the approved new Code of Practice for Highway Safety
Inspection and Defect Rectification Policy, which advocates a data led risk based prioritisation approach. • Assessment
Scoring 2024-25 All routes had been reassessed using the new Assessment
Matrix, resulting in the reassessment of the scores attributed to each
individual route or, if appropriate in some circumstances, parts of routes • Budget /
Pre-treated Route Length In 2018 the threshold for the pre-treatment was set at +2,
equating to pre-treatment network length of 463.1km and it was noted in the
report at that time that this would require an increase in the Winter Service
budget provision of £18k for salt procurement based on an average winter
season. Following the reassessment / review in 2024 the closest
network length to 463.1km coincides with a score of +1 at 458.1km. 2018 routes achieving the revised threshold score following
the 2024 assessment review and will now be pre-treated are: Rhodfar Felin,
Cardigan, (+2) (0.87km) 2018 routes not achieving the revised threshold score
following the 2024 review and would not be pre-treated were: B4570 Manarafon to Cwm Cou, (-1) (13.7km) C1001C Jct.
C1007 Comins Coch - Capel
Dewi, (-7) (1.9km) • Cost Savings
/ Budget Pressures The budget for providing the winter service in 2023-24 was
£232,000. On 29/02/24, Ceredigion County Council set its budget for 2024-25. These proposals included the budget reduction of
£25k in relation to the Winter Service provision. For 2024-25 the budget for
the Winter Service provision had been reduced to £207,000, a reduction of 11%. The 2024-25 review had identified additional cost pressures
in the delivery of the service, and these include increases due to, I. Plant II. Diesel +31% III. Labour +13% IV. Materials
(salt) +29% • Cost Saving
Proposals In order to mitigate, as far as reasonably possible, those cost pressures imposed by budget cuts and inflationary pressures
on plant, labour, diesel and materials, the Service was proposing the following measures ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was AGREED to confirm the minutes of the previous
meetings. |
To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: It was AGREED to confirm the content of the Forward Work Programme subject to the addition of refuse collection report due to the recent issues of non-collection in the South of the County. |