Venue: held remotely via video-conference
Contact: Lisa Evans
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies received. |
Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Minutes: There were
no disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests (including whipping
declarations) from Committee Members. Councillor Ceredig Davies, Observer, disclosed a personal and
prejudicial interest and advised the Committee that he has received
dispensation from the Ethics and Standards Committee to speak only. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Chair welcomed Russell Hughes-Pickering and Rhodri Llwyd to the meeting. Russell provided a presentation to the
Committee outlining the following: ·
Why? ·
Survey Feedback ·
Original Plans ·
Adjusted Plans ·
Photographs ·
What happened elsewhere ·
Trader Feedback ·
Next Steps Russell advised the Committee that due to an
emergency situation regarding the Covid
pandemic, a wide range of measures had to be put in place to protect the
County’s population and visitors, one of which was implementation of Safe Zones
in Aberystwyth, Aberaeron and New Quay during June /
July 2020. Following implementation, the
first consultation took place between 31.7.2020 and 10.8.2020 and the second
from 26.10.2020 and 21.12.2020. It was reported that good responses were received from this
consultation exercise. The presentations also provided a summary of
other feedback received through Clic, from Members,
the Disability Forum as well as the engagement surveys. An explanation was given of the measures put in place and how they were
adjusted in response to feedback. Photographs were presented
to show how the Safe Zones evolved from their implementation to the present
time. Photos were also presented to show examples of
similar measures elsewhere. Russell then presented a summary of positive
feedback from those trading outdoors. This showed the measures maintained and
created jobs and that there was a desire from traders to build on these
opportunities in the future. Russell concluded by setting out the next
steps which included engagement with local Members and Cabinet Members in
October, followed by a report to Scrutiny in November, further engagement with
Members in November and a report to Cabinet in December or January. If
supported an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) would
be introduced. This involves an on-going six month
consultation period to allow for further feedback and adjustment. Members were then provided the opportunity
to ask questions which were answered by Russell or Rhodri. Main points raised are as follows: ·
Committee Members agreed that regular communication
with Local Members and Members of neighbouring Wards should have taken place
early in the process. The Committee requested that in future early member discussions take place prior to
any future decisions regarding Safe Zones; ·
That the concerns raised by the older generation
and those who are disabled are considered and reflected in proposals; ·
That sufficient parking for the older generation
and those who are disabled are provided at all times; ·
That access for large lorries and delivery drivers
are considered in future; ·
Ensure that there is clear access for emergency
services especially those with a town centre base location so that they can
swiftly respond to emergency call outs; ·
Consider Local Residents views prior to any future
decisions; ·
That consideration is given to providing more signage
on the outskirts of Cardigan Town, to avoid unnecessary traffic through town; · Members previously provided written views outlining possible unintended consequences. These don’t appear to have been considered when implementing the safe Zone arrangements. Committee requests that these views are taken into account prior to any future decisions in relation to ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Minutes: It was agreed to confirm
as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th July 2021and there were no matters
arising therefrom. |
To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme Minutes: It was
agreed to include for the 4th November 2021 Committee meeting a report on the transfer of
sewage plants from Ceredigion County Council to Dwr Cymru. It was agreed to invite a
representative from Dwr Cymru
to this meeting. The Impact Covid has had on all Towns needs to be
considered at a future meeting. The Chairman thanked Members for attending the meeting and thanked the Officers for presenting the information and for ensuring the smooth running of the meeting. |