Venue: ZOOM
Contact: Lisa Evans
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillor Lyndon Lloyd
MBE and Rhodri Davies apologised their inability to attend the meeting. |
Disclosures of personal interest (including whipping declarations) Minutes: None. |
Achieving Net Zero by 2030 - Action Plan (Action Plan in Welsh to follow) Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the Report and Action Plan on Achieving Net Zero. The Carbon Reduction Energy and Asset Management Performance Manager provided Members with a power point presentation. It was reported that at the Full Council meeting of Ceredigion County Council on the 20 June 2019 agreed to: •Commit to making Ceredigion a net zero carbon Local Authority by 2030 •Develop a clear plan for a route towards being net zero carbon within 12 months •Call on Welsh and UK Governments to provide the necessary support and resources to enable effective carbon reductions Further to this, on the 5th March 2020, Ceredigion County Council declared a global climate emergency, committing to meeting the most significant challenge facing our county and our planet. It was reported that the document sets out how the County Council intend to respond to the climate emergency. It explains why they need this Net Zero Carbon Action Plan and why the 2030 target was so important to tackling climate change. The Action Plan assesses Ceredigion’s current operational carbon emissions and outlines the challenges associated with the ambitious 2030 target. The Focus of the net-zero action plan was as follows: The focus was currently upon operational energy usage and emissions (Scope 1 and 2 emissions), as these are routinely recorded and calculated annually as part of the annual review of the Carbon Management Plan. There was a need to calculate and understand the carbon footprint of the Local Authority as a whole (to include Scope 3 emissions), which would be undertaken once the Welsh Government publish their reporting methodology, release of which has been delayed by COVID. The additional emission sources will likely include: (1) Mobility and Transport; (2) Procurement; (3) Land Use; and (4) Buildings.
This Plan had been formed based on the Member-led motion put forward in June 2019, the contents should be considered on the basis of whether it articulates the desired vision going forward. Anticipated Next Steps:- Short-term (next 3 - 12 months) • Net Zero Action Plan to Cabinet/Council • Integration of Net-Zero Action plan into Corporate Priorities, to ensure progress is monitored and reported. • Further work to progress schemes already identified, which will contribute to delivery of emission reductions • Continue discussions with Welsh Government and District Network operators over grid capacity issues within the county. Medium-term (next 18 months - 2 years) •Upon release of Welsh Government reporting methodology, full baseline exercise needs to be undertaken, to expand emission monitoring to also include emissions from: Mobility and Transport; Procurement; Land Use; and Buildings. As a result, there would be many other actions that emerge over time, which will need to be identified and progressed further. • Once the Council had a complete baseline carbon footprint, they would be able to look more specifically at projects and schemes that would contribute to emission reduction and carbon offsetting – this would also need significant financial investment. • Continue work that is effective in delivering emission reductions, focus on projects that ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Minutes: It was AGREED to
confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 03 March 2021. Minute 4- Ash
Dieback – An update would be obtained from Officers on the cost implication of
this plan. |
To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: It was AGREED to note
the content of the Forward Work Programme 2021/22 as presented subject to following
additional items in the future:- Ash Dieback - update Achieving Net Zero by
2030- every six months Refuse collection |